Waites Wharf (Newport)

Waites Wharf 1

Plat Map 32 / Lots 155 and 268

Document Description


Triangle Environmental - Site Investigation Report


Triangle Environmental - Remedial Investigation Report


ESS - Proposed Remedy


SAI - Letter to RIDEM


Harbour Realty - Letter to RIDEM


SAI - Letter to RIDEM


SAI - Letter to RIDEM


SAI - Letter to RIDEM


RIDEM - Letter of Compliance


Waites Wharf 2,
16 Waites Wharf, and 20 West Extension Street
Plat Map 32 / Lots 267, 248 and 272
Document Description Date
Sage - Hazardous Materials Release Notification Package 11/05/2019
RIDEM - Letter of Responsibility 01/03/2020
Sage - Site Investigation Report 03/24/2020
RIDEM - Program Letter 06/12/2020
RIDEM - Request for Response to Public Comments Package 08/31/2020
Sage - Responses to RIDEM Comments 02/25/2021
RIDEM - Letter Response to SIR Public Comments 01/27/23
RIDEM - Letter Request for Interim Remedial Measures 09/13/23
Sage - Response to Request for Interim Remedial Measures 09/18/23
RIDEM - Interim Remedial Measure Approval Letter 09/20/23
Sage - Interim Remedial Measures Completion Report 10/03/23
Sage - Oct 2023 - Post Temporary Remedial Measures Monthly Inspection 10/30/23
Sage - Nov 2023 - Post Temporary Remedial Measures Monthly Inspection 12/07/23
Sage - Dec 2023 - Post Temporary Remedial Measures Monthly Inspection 12/28/23
Sage - Jan 2024 - Post Temporary Remedial Measures Monthly Inspection 01/29/24
Sage - Jan 2024 - Post Temporary Remedial Measures Monthly Inspection 02/26/24
Sage - Interim Remedial Measure Addendum 05/13/24 
RIDEM - Interim Remedial Measure Addendum Approval Letter 05/13/24
Sage - Mar 2024 - Post Temporary Remedial Measures Monthly Inspection 05/28/24
Sage - Apr 2024 - Post Temporary Remedial Measures Monthly Inspection 05/28/24
Sage - May 2024 - Post Temporary Remedial Measures Monthly Inspection 05/30/24
Sage - June 2024 - Post Temporary Remedial Measures Monthly Inspection & Cap Placement 07/02/24

This Document Index was established in August 2020. If you wish to complete a review of all documents related to this site, please request a file review with RIDEM's Office of Customer and Technical Assistance. Instructions on how to file such a request can be found here.