Soil Erosion and Sediment Control
Proper soil erosion and sediment control is critical to minimizing impacts to water resources and the environment during land disturbing activities. Proper soil erosion and sediment control techniques protect water quality, receiving conveyances and drainage systems, and downstream areas including cultural and natural resources and private properties. The webpage has been developed to provide a multitude of resources on this topic. This page contains guidance documents, soil erosion and sediment control plan templates for large and small construction sites, educational fact sheets and presentations, along with relevant links to outside organizations.
Key Guidance Documents
Model SESC Plan Templates
Large Site (>1 Acre) SESC Plan
- Fact Sheet
- RI Model SESC Plan Instructions
- RI Model SESC Plan Template
- RI Model SESC Plan – Appendix F – Inspection Report Instructions
- RI Model SESC Plan – Inspection Report Template
- RI Model SESC Plan – Appendix G – Amendment Log Template
Small Site (<1 Acre) SESC Plan
Compliance Assistance Factsheets
- Soil Erosion, Runoff, and Sedimentation
- Construction Site Soil Stabilization
- Pollution Prevention
- Preparing Your Site For A Significant Rain Event
- Illicit Discharges and Connections
Power Point Presentations
- Is Your Construction Site in Compliance?
- The Evolution of Erosion Control Technology
- The Evolution of Sediment Control Technology
Outside Resources
- USDA – Natural Resource Conservation Service Web Soil Survey
- International Erosion Control Association (IECA)
- IECA Northeast Chapter
- Erosion Control – Official Journal of the IECA
- Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC)
- RI Association of Conservation Districts
- Northern RI Conservation District
- Southern RI Conservation District
- Eastern RI Conservation District