Air Pollution Sean Zeiger, Environmental Scientist III235 Promenade StreetProvidence, RI 02908-5767(401) 537-4146 Patrick Hogan, Environmental Engineer IV235 Promenade StreetProvidence, RI 02908-5767(401) 537-4449 Contact OC&I via E-Mail This program investigates citizen complaints and referrals from DEM divisions and offices relating to visible emissions, odors, fugitive dust, and exterior lead paint removal and performs compliance monitoring of exterior lead paint removal activities and businesses/facilities with a history of noncompliance. Air Pollution Regulations Sources of and Strategies for the Control of Diesel Emissions Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) Other Air Topics Report an Environmental Complaint DEM's Office of Compliance and Inspection (OC&I) investigates complaints and suspected violations of environmental laws and regulations and performs compliance monitoring of regulated activities. Compliance with environmental laws, rules, regulations, permits, and licenses is enforced through both informal and formal enforcement actions. Note: Complaints are public records, and information you forward to OC&I will be available for public review UNLESS you advise us that you wish to remain anonymous. Report via Email After-hours emergency: 401-222-3070