Rhode Island Stormwater Solutions
Taking Simple Steps Toward Cleaner Rhode Island Waters
Dog poop, lawn chemicals, and oily spills. With every rain, storm drains carry all this pollution directly to local streams, ponds, and Narragansett Bay without treatment. Stormwater pollution is a major problem for RI waters – closing beaches and shellfish beds, destroying wildlife habitat, and threatening drinking water supplies. The good news is that you can be part of the solution!
Take Action With Simple Steps

Don’t Dump Into Storm Drains
Everything that enters a storm drain goes directly to local waters. Don’t dump, wash, or rake anything into the path of a storm drain.

Fertilize Sparingly
Unfortunately, lawn care chemicals often wind up washing right into local waters.

Water Wisely
Conserving water when you’re working outdoors can reduce the potential for contaminants to wind up in local waters.

Recycle Rainwater
Keep runoff off paved surfaces with rain barrels, cisterns, and rain gardens- even downspout extenders.

Scoop The Poop, Then Trash It
Keep pet waste from entering local water bodies. When you’re out on a walk, pick up after your pet and throw it in the trash.
Produced by the URI Cooperative Extension with funding from the RI Department of Transportation in partnership with the RI Department of Environmental Management and RI municipalities.
- Educational Materials By Pollutant
- Maintenance of Rain Gardens and Wetland Buffers
- SESC Factsheet Series
- Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Online Training