Official State of Rhode Island website

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Related Websites

Looking for more information about stormwater?

EPA New England Soak up the Rain Program

Citizens, businesses, and communities can reduce stormwater pollution and protect water quality by installing rain barrels, rain gardens, or permeable pavement.

Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management

Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council

Regulatory information, permitting, and stormwater management techniques.

RI Department of Health Scoop the Poop Campaign

Preventing pet waste on local beaches.

RI Water Resources Board Slow the Flow Program

Lawn maintenance guidelines to help conserve water and reduce runoff.

University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension Healthy Landscapes Program

Sustainable lawn and garden practices to protect water quality.

Save the Bay – Stormwater Management Priorities

What Save the Bay is doing to protect Narragansett Bay water quality.

The Blackstone River CoalitionHomeowner’s Guide to Protecting Water Quality in the Blackstone River Watershed

Yard and home care practices to reduce stormwater volume, pollution and water consumption.

More Information About RI Stormwater Regulations

EPA Stormwater Program

RIDEM Office of Water Resources, Rhode Island Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (RIPDES) Storm Water Program

RI DOT Stormwater Management

The Rhode Island Stormwater Design and Installation Standards Manual

State of Rhode Island Stormwater Management Guidance for Individual Single-Family Residential Lot Development

The Rhode Island Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook

Wondering what other states are doing? Check out these websites from around New England.

University of Connecticut Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO)

Includes CT LID Inventory and Rain Gardens App.

Think Blue Maine

Stormwater information for homeowners and municipalities.

Smart Waterways – Chittenden County, Vermont, Stormwater Website

Stormwater problems and solutions.

New Hampshire Homeowner’s Guide to Stormwater Management

General stormwater information and pollution prevention techniques for homeowners