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Office of Administrative Adjudication Decisions

Notes: The listed statutes and regulations refer to the statutes and regulations effective at the time the decision was rendered. Statutes and regulations may have changed since then. Decisions may have been reversed or overturned in subsequent proceedings.

Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
Gail Bernard 18-001/AGE Section 3.7A, Part B, Subsection 05, Possession of Wild Carnivores, Animal Health Regulations, Section 3.9A, Importation of Exotic Wild Animal, Animal Health Regulations Kerins NOV sustained on issue that Respondent possessed a wild hybrid cat in violation of Section 3.7A; NOV denied on issue of importation of wild exotic animal in violation of 3.9A 12/31/18 12/31/18
New England Paint Mfg. Inc. 08-001/AGE RIGL §§ 23-25-4(19)–(20), 23-25-5(2)(i), (iii)(F), & (v), and 23-25-6(a); EPA Restricted Use Pesticide Rule 5(A); Penalty Regs. § 12(c); In re: Richard Fickett Kerins NOV sustained, but penalty dismissed

OBF, LLC 09-001/AGA RIGL § 2-1-22(j); IRS Form 1040 Schedule F Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

Lynn Wilkinson and Super Sonic Pets 13-001/AGA RIGL § 4-19-8 Kerins Appeal granted; application reconsidered

Michael J. Beatrice 14-001/AGA Exotic Animals Regs. 5(1) & 6.1(d); North Kingstown Ordinances § 3-8(g); Kent v. DEM Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

Coastal Resources
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
Russell Koza 05-001/CRE Galilee Port Regs. Part II § 4; Board of Purification of Waters v. Town of East Providence Baffoni Appeal denied 7/10/06 7/17/06
David & Catherine DeLuca 07-002/CRA RIGL § 42-17.7-9; Griggs v. Estate of Griggs; Mauricio v. Zoning Bd. of Review of Pawtucket Lanphear Appeal dismissed 9/11/07 9/11/07
Sylvan Vaicaitis 08-001/CRA RIGL § 42-17.7-9; Super. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1) Kerins Appeal dismissed 5/21/08 5/23/08
Frank Pettis 08-003/CRA Galilee Port Regs. Part II §§ 9(A)(1), 9(A)(4), & 13 Kerins Appeal denied 7/2/09 7/2/09
Coastal Resources
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
Russell Koza 05-001/CRE Galilee Port Regs. Part II § 4; Board of Purification of Waters v. Town of East Providence Baffoni Appeal denied 7/10/06 7/17/06
David & Catherine DeLuca 07-002/CRA RIGL § 42-17.7-9; Griggs v. Estate of Griggs; Mauricio v. Zoning Bd. of Review of Pawtucket Lanphear Appeal dismissed 9/11/07 9/11/07
Sylvan Vaicaitis 08-001/CRA RIGL § 42-17.7-9; Super. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1) Kerins Appeal dismissed 5/21/08 5/23/08
Frank Pettis 08-003/CRA Galilee Port Regs. Part II §§ 9(A)(1), 9(A)(4), & 13 Kerins Appeal denied 7/2/09 7/2/09
Dam Enforcement Appeals
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
George E. Binns Living Trust 13-011/DE Rule 4A, Rules and Regulations of Dam Safety Kerins Respondent’s Appeal Granted; NOV dismissed 3/11/19 4/11/19
Natco Products Corp. 10-003/DE First Iowa-Electric Coop. v. Federal Power Comm'n; California v. FERC; Sayles Hydro Assocs. v. Maughhan Spinella NOV dismissed

Dudley Development Corp. 11-002/DE Dam Safety Rules 4(A), 6(K), & 6(AD) Spinella Appeal sustained

Tillinghast Holding Co., LLC 11-016/DE Dam Safety Rule 6(K) Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

Lynda Marshall-Schmidt 12-002/DE Dam Safety Rule 6(AD) Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

Plouffe, Leo 09-004-DE Dam Safety Rule 6(AD) Kerins Default Judgement against Respondent; waived rights to a hearing due to lack of appearance

Fenner, Richard A. and Kathleen M. 16-002/DE Dam Safety Rules 4(A) and 11(A)(4) Kerins Appeal Dismissed


Fontaine Living Trust, Dam 313 13-012/DE Rules and Regulations for Dam Safety, 250-RICR-130-05-1, R.I.G.L. §§ 42-17.1-2 et seq. and 46-19-1 et seq. Kerins Appeal Granted


Division of Enforcement Appeals
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
Benson, David 18-007/ENE R.I. Gen. Laws §20-2.1-4 Unlawfully catching, harvesting, holding or transporting for sale, any marine finifish without a license and/or §3.10.2(B)(2) of the Marine Fisheries Finfish Regulation, 250-RICR-90-00-3 by possessing summer flounder over the daily limit that day of 50 pounds Warren Respondent’s Appeal Denied; NOV upheld. 9/1/20  
Yerman, Scott F. 19-002/ENE Aggregate Landing Program Part 3.10.2(C)(2)(c) of Finfish Regulation Kerins Letter of Denial Issues by DEM sustained; Appeal is denied and dismissed. 11/12/19 11/12/19
Hayes, Neil 17-003/ENE Part 3, Section 3.14.2(B)(2) Rhode Island Marine Fisheries Regulations, Finfish Kerins Respondent’s Appeal denied and dismissed; Notice of Violation upheld 2/15/19 3/18/19
Greenwich Bay Clam 91-003/ENE RIGL §§ 20-6-24(f); Bowen v. Hackett Lanphear Motion to supress denied 3/10/92

Best in the Bay 98-002/ENE RIGL §§ 20-1-3(a)(6), 20-6-11, & 20-6-24 McMahon Suspension initally dismissed, but upon remand by director, suspension sustained 7/7/00 9/18/00
Brian K. Loftes 00-001/ENE RIGL §§ 20-1-3, 42-35-3, & 42-35-4; Marine Fisheries (Finfish) Regs. 7.7.3 Baffoni Suspension sustained 5/24/01 5/30/01
Robert B. Rheault & Spatco, Inc. d/b/a Moonstone Oysters 00-004/ENE & 00-005/ENE RIGL §§ 20-1-2, 20-1-3(a)6, 20-1-5, 20-1-8, 20-1-22, 20-2-13, 20-6-11; Aquaculture Regs. 19.3.3, 19.3.4, & 19.3.9; NSSP §§ VIII.03(E)(2)–(3) & X.05(A) Baffoni Suspension sustained, but reduced by director (modified order) 8/7/01 10/3/01
Angelo Pirri 00-006/ENE RIGL §§ 20-7-7.1 & 20-7-10; Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.11(a) Lanphear Suspension & NOV sustained, but penalty reduced 11/20/01 11/20/01
Ricky Henault 00-007/WME Respondent failed to appear Baffoni Suspension sustained 9/8/00 9/8/00
Shawn J. Manville 01-002/ENE Marine Fisheries (Finfish) Regs. 7.7.2 & 7.7.5-1(c) Lanphear Suspension dismissed 3/31/04 4/9/04
Jose Fernandez d/b/a Bay View Shellfish 04-002/ENE RIGL § 20-6-24(d); Commercial License Suspension & Revocation Regs. Rule 6(4); Marine Fisheries (Dealers) Regs. 19.6.2; AAD Rule 8.00(a)(1); Super. R. Civ. P. 50 Baffoni Suspension sustained 8/9/05 8/23/05
Wood Hollow Trawlers, Inc. 06-002/ENE RIGL §§ 20-1-4 & 20-1-8(a)(5); Marine Fisheries (Finfish) Regs. 7.11.2-1 McMahon Suspension dismissed 9/12/08 9/18/08
Big G Seafood, Inc. and Heather Haggerty 13-006/ENE RIGL § 20-4-1.1; Marine Fisheries (LIcensing) Regs. 6.11-2 Spinella Appeal granted in part and denied in part

Robert E. Coupe 14-001/ENE Consent agreement between parties Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

Wetherell, Richard B. 19-005/ENEE Rhode Island Marine Fisheries Regulations, Finfish, 250-RICR-90-00-3. Section 3.10.2. B(1)(c)(3) Spinella RIDEM’s Motion to Dismiss GRANTED 8/11/21 8/11/21
Commercial Fishing License Application Appeals
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
Brierly, Robert A. 20-001/MSA Applicant failed to appear Warren Default Dismissal 7/22/20 7/22/20
Sullivan, Peter K. 16-002/MSA Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. § 6.7-9, 6.7-4 Spinella Appeal dismissed 11/30/17 12/30/17
Antonio M. Vieira 00-014/MSA RIGL § 20-2-1.1 Lanphear Appeal denied 10/23/00 10/25/00
RIGL § 20-2-1.1 Lanphear Appeal granted 12/31/02 12/31/02
Michael A. Soares 01-023/MSA RIGL §§ 20-1-3(a)(8), 20-2-1.1, & 20-2-28.1(a) McMahon Application denied 6/25/01 6/27/01
Mark Swanbeck 01-026/MSA RIGL §§ 20-1-3(a)(8), 20-2-1.1, & 20-2-28.1(a) McMahon Application denied 6/14/01 6/15/01
Raymond F. Chapman 01-040/MSA RIGL § 20-2-1.1 Lanphear Appeal sustained 6/12/01 6/13/01
Kenneth Champlin, Jr. 01-064/MSA RIGL § 20-2-1.1(a) Baffoni Appeal dismissed 8/24/01 8/29/01
Kevin J. Lackey 02-001/MSA RIGL § 20-2-1.1(a) Lanphear Appeal dismissed 5/17/02 5/17/02
Robert N. Roach III 02-002/MSA RIGL §§ 20-2-1.1(a), 42-17.7-2, 42-35-1(c), 42-35-1.1, 42-35-9, & 42-35-14(a) McMahon Appeal dismissed 8/26/02 8/28/02
Patrick J. Heaney 03-001/MSA RIGL § 20-2.1-12(b); Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 6.7-10(g) Baffoni Appeal initially sustained, but overturned by director 5/9/03 6/27/03
Mark Oliveira 03-004/MSA RIGL § 20-2.1-5(1)(iii); Marine Fisheries (Finfish) Regs. 7.1 Baffoni Request denied 7/9/03 7/9/03
Brian Thibeault 03-006/MSA RIGL §§ 20-2.1-5(1)(iii), 20-2.1-5(2)(ii)(C), 20-2.1-9, & 20-2.1-12; Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 6.7-10 & 6.8-7 McMahon Request denied 6/12/03 6/27/03
David Hochman 03-007/MSA RIGL §§ 20-2.1-4(g) & 20-2.1-6(1)(ii)(B); Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 6.7-3(d) Baffoni Appeal denied and qualified by director 8/8/03 8/15/03
Michael Trouve 03-010/MSA RIGL §§ 20-2.1-4(g), 20-2.1-5(1)(iii), & 20-2.1-12(b); Super. R. Civ. P. 56(c) Baffoni Appeal dismissed 12/2/03 12/11/03
Steven J. Riley 03-011/MSA RIGL § 20-2.1-5(1)(ii); Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 7.2(a); Super. R. Civ. P. 56(c) Lanphear Appeal dismissed 1/26/04 1/29/04
Everett Manchester, Jr. 03-021/MSA RIGL § 20-2.1-5(1)(iii); Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 7.1 McMahon Appeal dismissed 2/18/04 3/23/04
Danny Brown 04-006/MSA RIGL §§ 20-2.1-5(1)(ii) & 20-2.1-12; Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 6.7-4(c), 6.7-10, & 7.1; In re: Patrick J. Heaney Lanphear Request denied 12/1/04 12/20/04
Walter Stanton 05-001/MSA ADA; RIGL § 20-2.1-12; Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 6.7-5(c), 6.7-6(a), & 6.7-10 McMahon Request denied 10/4/05 10/5/05
Daniel Mowry 06-001/MSA RIGL § 20-2.1-5(1)(iii); Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 6.7-4(c) Baffoni Request denied 12/6/06 12/7/06
Donald F. Manns 07-001/MSA RIGL § 20-2-8; Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 6.7-4(c) McMahon Request denied 11/19/07 11/21/07
Michael Ventura 08-001/MSA Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 5.1 & 6.7-6(a)(ii) Kerins Appeal dismissed 7/21/08 7/22/08
Arthur W. Yaghoobian 08-002/MSA Applicant failed to appear; Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 5.1 & 6.7-6(a)(ii) Kerins Appeal dismissed 8/27/08 8/27/08
Russell S. Field 08-003/MSA RIGL §§ 20-2.1-3(13), 20-2.1-5(1)(ii), & 20-2.1-5(5); Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 5.45, 6.7-4(a), & 6.7-9(a), (e) Kerins Request denied 11/19/08 11/19/08
Paul Girardi, Jr. 10-002/MSA Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 6.7-6(a)–(b) Kerins Appeal denied

Richard A. Cavaco 11-001/MSA Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 5.74, 6.7-4(c), & 6.7-9; In re: Raymond F. Chapman Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

Stephen M. Saucier 11-003/MSA Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 6.7-6(a)–(b) Kerins Appeal denied

Paul Marcin 11-004/MSA Super. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1); letter requesting information Spinella Appeal dismissed w/o prejudice

Michael Mitchell 12-001/MSA Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 5.16, 5.18, 6.7-6(b)(ii), 6.7-11(f), & 6.8-8 Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

David Ash 14-002/MSA Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 6.7-4(b) Kerins Appeal denied

Raymond Ellinwood 14-009/MSA RIGL § 20-2.1-4(g)(6); Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 6.7-10(a) Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

Pacheco, Maria P., License Transfer Denial 14-011/MSA Rule 6.7-9 Commercial and Recreational Saltwater Regulations Spinella Appeal Denied

Brent Bowen 15-001/MSA RIGL § 20-2.1-2; Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. 5.1, 6.7-8, & 6.7-11; Ferguson v. DEM Kerins MSJ for appellant granted

Jacob Sardinha 16-003/MSA R.I.G.L. §42-17.7-1 et. seq.; APA (R.I.G.L §42-35-1 et. seq.); RIMFR Section 6.7-8(b) Kerins Appeal Denied and Dismissed


Major, Robert 17-003/MSA Marine Fisheries (Licensing) Regs. § 6.7.6(a) Kerins Appeal dismissed 10/18/17 11/18/17
Fish & Wildlife Application Appeals
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
F/V Quitsa Strider II 97-001/F&WA Marine Fisheries (Finfish) Regs. 7.07-6, 7.07-7, & 7.06-8 McMahon Application denied 12/8/97 2/20/98
F/V Alliance 97-003/F&WA Marine Fisheries (Finfish) Regs. 7.7.9; AAD Rules 8.00(a)(1); Super. R. Civ. P. 60(b) Baffoni Appeal sustained due to excusable neglect 11/5/97 2/20/98
F/V Maureen S. 97-004/F&WA Super. R. Civ. P. 15(c); Marine Fisheries (Finfish) Regs. 7.7.7-2(c) & 7.7.8-5 McMahon Application denied 2/15/99 4/6/99
Michael Marchetti 98-001/F&WA RIGL § 20-5-1 et. seq. & 42-17.7-5 Lanphear Appeal sustained 9/15/98 11/23/98
F/V Sister Alice 98-002/F&WA Super. R. Civ. P. 60(b); Marine Fisheries (Finfish) Regs. 7.7.6 & 7.7.7 McMahon Application denied 3/15/99 4/8/99
F/V Ryan's Daughter 98-003/F&WA Super. R. Civ. P. 60(b); Marine Fisheries (Finfish) Regs. 7.7.6 & 7.7.9 Baffoni Appeal sustained 8/16/99 8/31/99
Mark H. Sherer 01-001/F&WA Applicant failed to appear Lanphear Appeal dismissed 3/19/03 3/21/03
Alan C. Eagles & Ace Lobster Company 01-002/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.2.1, 15.12.3, & 15.14.1;[1] Memorandum of Under­standing between parties McMahon Application denied 11/4/02 11/7/02
Thomas L. Brower 01-004/F&WA Bowen v. Hackett; Marine Fisheries (Finfish) Regs. 2.9 & 7.7.8-6 Lanphear Transfer denied 2/2/05 2/23/05
Bannick, Bruce 02-001/F&WA Applicant failed to appear McMahon Appeal dismissed 3/27/03 3/28/03
Joshua A. Spearman 05-001/F&WA Applicant failed to appear Baffoni Appeal dismissed 4/20/05 4/23/05
James Haitz 05-002/F&WA Applicant failed to appear McMahon Appeal dismissed 9/9/05 9/9/05
Thomas D. Goldberg 07-002/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2 Baffoni Appeal denied 7/20/07 7/23/07
Eric J. Roggero 07-003/F&WA Applicant failed to appear McMahon Appeal dismissed 1/9/08 1/10/08
Michael Tortolani 07-004/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-5(d) & 15.14.2-5(e)(3) Baffoni Appeal denied 6/7/07 6/7/07
Timothy G. Keane 07-005/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-3(a), 15.14.2-5(d), & 15.14.2-5(e)(2) McMahon Appeal denied 9/7/07 9/10/07
Gary Mataronas, Jr. 07-006/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-3(c)(1) & 15.14.2-5(c) Baffoni Appeal denied 6/25/07 6/29/07
Stephen Parente 07-010/F&WA Applicant failed to appear Kerins Appeal dismissed 5/21/08 5/23/08
Daniel Savitt 07-012/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2 Lanphear Appeal denied 6/8/07 6/8/07
William Davis 07-014/F&WA & 07-015/F&WA Cervid (Deer) Regs. 2.1, 2.2(c), & 3.1 Lanphear Appeal denied 12/7/07 12/13/07
Eric Fiske 07-017/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-5(d) & 15.14.2-5(e) McMahon Appeal denied 6/18/07 6/19/07
Domenic Petrarca 07-019/F&WA Applicant failed to appear Lanphear Appeal dismissed 7/10/07 7/12/07
Michael J. Dunphy 07-022/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2 (specifcally 15.14.2-8(b)) Kerins Appeal denied 7/1/08 7/7/08
Richard R. Walz 07-024/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-2 & 15.14.2-8 McMahon Appeal denied 1/17/08 1/18/08
Russell J. Kraczkowski 07-025/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-5(d) Baffoni Appeal denied 7/13/07 7/16/07
Michael G. Reynolds 07-026/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-2 & 15.14.2-8; In re: Charles Borden McMahon Appeal denied 1/25/08 1/28/08
Charles Borden 07-028/F&WA RIGL § 42.17.7-6; Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-2, 15.14.2-5(d)–(e), 15.14.2-6(a), & 15.14.2-8 Lanphear Appeal denied by director over recommendation 11/2/07 1/2/08
John A. Stolgitis 07-029/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-5(d) & 15.14.2-5(e)(3) McMahon Appeal denied 6/20/07 6/20/07
John A. Miranda III 07-031/F&WA Applicant failed to pay stenographic costs McMahon Appeal dismissed 6/9/07 6/10/07
Richard Lodge 07-032/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-5(d) & 15.14.2-5(e)(3) Baffoni Appeal denied 7/17/07 7/20/07
Louis Frattarelli, Jr. 07-033/F&WA Applicant failed to appear McMahon Appeal dismissed 9/19/07 9/19/07
Robert Morris 07-034/F&WA, 07-035/F&WA, 07-043/F&WA, & 07-045/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2 Lanphear Appeal denied 8/2/07 8/8/07
Thomas Doyle III 07-039/F&WA Applicant failed to appear Kerins Appeal dismissed 5/21/08 5/23/08
Justin T. Anderson 07-040/F&WA Applicant failed to appear McMahon Appeal dismissed 4/5/07 4/6/07
Richard Toohey 07-041/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-5(d) & 15.14.2-5(e)(3) Lanphear Appeal denied 7/25/07 7/25/07
Robert Cruso 07-044/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-5(d) & 15.14.2-5(e)(3) McMahon Appeal denied 6/26/07 6/29/07
John Kenyon III 07-046/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-5(d) & 15.14.2-5(e)(3) McMahon Appeal denied 7/18/07 7/20/07
Peter A. DiBiase 07-049/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-5 Kerins Appeal denied 9/15/08 9/17/08
Gary Bryson 07-051/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-6(a) & 15.14.2-8(a) Kerins Appeal denied 3/17/08 3/17/08
Steven O. Gagne 07-053/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-5(e)(3) Lanphear Appeal denied 7/17/07 7/20/07
Louis Mello 07-054/F&WA Applicant failed to appear McMahon Appeal dismissed 6/5/07 6/9/07
Anthony Ponte 07-055/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2 Baffoni Appeal denied 7/2/07 7/3/07
Alexander F. Aponik 07-056/F&WA Applicant failed to appear McMahon Appeal dismissed 6/5/07 6/9/07
Sean Cavanagh 07-057/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2 Baffoni Appeal denied 7/16/07 7/20/07
James H. Low 07-059/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-2, 15.14.2-5(d)–(e), 15.14.2-6(a), & 15.14.2-8 Lanphear Appeal denied 1/23/08 1/28/08
Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-2 & 15.14.2-8(b) Lanphear Appeal sustained and amended by director 3/13/08 4/5/08
Mark Snow 07-062/F&WA Applicant failed to appear Kerins Appeal dismissed 5/15/08 5/16/08
Steven J. Riley 07-065/F&WA Applicant failed to appear Baffoni Appeal dismissed 6/11/07 6/13/07
John T. Rogowski 07-066/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2 McMahon Appeal denied 10/17/07 10/17/07
Joseph MacAndrew 07-067/F&WA Bowen v. Hackett; Simeone v. Charron Lanphear Appeal denied 1/29/08 2/12/08
Gregory Duckworth 07-068/F&WA & 07-069/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2 McMahon Appeal denied 8/7/08 8/13/08
Russell C. Koza, Jr. 07-070/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2 Lanphear Appeal denied 12/27/07 12/28/07
Rick Cambio 07-071/F&WA Applicant failed to appear Lanphear Appeal dismissed 7/25/07 7/25/07
David Booth 07-072/F&WA Applicant failed to appear McMahon Appeal dismissed 8/22/07 8/22/07
Jason D. Jarvis 07-074/F&WA Applicant failed to pay stenographic costs McMahon Appeal dismissed 6/2/08 6/4/08
Walter Proffit 07-075/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2; Simeone v. Charron Lanphear Appeal denied 6/22/07 6/29/07
Andrew Cavanagh 07-078/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2 McMahon Appeal denied 9/14/07 9/14/07
Joseph Amato 07-081/F&WA Late filing Lanphear Appeal sustained 10/24/07 10/25/07
William J. Golini, M.D. 07-083/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2 Kerins Appeal denied 2/18/08 2/19/08
John Major 07-088/F&WA In re: James H. Low; RIGL § 42-35-3(a), (c); Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-6(a) & 15.14.2-8(a) McMahon Request granted 7/31/08 8/1/08
Scott Rogers 07-089/F&WA Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2 Kerins Appeal denied 12/28/07 12/31/07
Mark Serio 07-092/F&WA In re: Charles Borden, In re: Joseph Amato; Marine Fisheries Regs. 15.14.2-2, 15.14.2-7, & 15.14.2-8(a)–(b) McMahon Appeal denied 2/25/08 2/25/08
Dennis & Brenda Rambone 07-093/F&WA Cervid (Deer) Regs. 3.1.1 Kerins Appeal denied & dismissed

Daniel R. Barlow 10-003/F&WA Consent agreement between parties; Marine Fisheries (Finfish) Regs. 7.7.11-1(c) Kerins Appeal granted

Daniel Ferguson 12-002/F&WA Marine Fisheries (Finfish) Regs. 7.7 Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

C. Rafael, LLC 12-003/F&WA Marine Fisheries (Finfish) Regs. 7.7 Kerins Appeal denied

[1] Marine Fisheries Regs. 15 had to do with lobster and crustacean fishing. It has now been superseded and is incorporated in a separate set of Lobster & Crustacean regulations.
Fish & Wildlife Enforcement Appeals
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
John Tardie 11-001/F&WE RIGL § 42-35-8; Greenwich Bay Yacht Basin Associates v. Brown; Importation of Native Wildlife Rule 1.1 Greer NOV sustained

Waste Management Enforcement Appeals
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
Fuel Depot, Inc/Sahyouni, Abed M. Notice of Violation OCI-UST-2018-3-00879 18-003/WME R.I. General Laws §46-12-3(21) & DEM’s UST Regulations, Rule 8.04(A) Warren Respondent’s Appeal dismissed; NOV is upheld 4/2/20 5/4/20
BMC Petroleum Inc., Notice of Violation OCI-UST-18-77-00701 19-010/WME Respondent failed to appear Kerins Respondent’s Appeal denied & dismissed; NOV in effect 9/17/19 9/17/19
Road Runners Food Mart, Inc., Notice of Violation OCI-UST-2018-18-03176 18-009/WME Respondent failed to appear Kerins Respondent’s Appeal denied and dismissed; NOV upheld 8/5/19 8/5/19
Ken Rocha Collision, LLC, Notice of Violation OCI-HW-15-83 18-004/WME Superior Court ruled in PC-2019-4836 that RI DEM Administrative Adjudication Division lacks subject matter jurisdiction to adjudicate matters under the Rhode Island Hazardous Waste Management Act Kerins Appeal dismissed for lack of jurisdiction 7/10/19 7/10/19
Fairlawn Oil Service, Inc. 91-001/GWE RIGL § 42-17.1-2(u)(A)(1); AAD Rules 5.00(a)(2), 5.00(b), & 8.00(a)(2); Bowen v. Hackett Baffoni NOV sustained 11/27/91 11/29/91
Loft Har Properties, Inc. 92-001/GWE Respondent failed to appear Lanphear NOV sustained 3/10/93 3/15/93
Block Island Power Company 92-002/GWE DEM failed to respond to motion to dismiss Byrnes NOV dismissed 4/2/93 4/5/93
Pasco and Susan Raimondo (dba Pat's Service Station), Hendel Petroleum, and Myron Hendel (dba Hendel's, Inc.) 92-004/GWE Respondent failed to appear Lanphear NOV sustained 1/5/93 1/11/93
Warren Oil Co. & Alwar Equities, Inc. 92-010/GWE Joint request to dismiss Lanphear Matter dismissed with stipulations 7/3/92 7/5/92
Gregory and Marion Sullivan 93-005/GWE AAD Rule 8.00(a)(3); Super. R. Civ. P. 36(a); General Electric Co. v. Forsell & Son, Inc.; Cardi Corp. v. State of Rhode Island; Demers v. Demers Lanphear Motion to respond late to request for admissions denied

Super. R. Civ. P. 56(c) Lanphear Respondents found liable

RIGL §§ 42-17.1-2(m) & 47-17.6-3; Penalty Regs. § 7(e) Lanphear Penalty sustained 6/1/95 6/15/95
Richard Fickett 93-014/GWE Doctrine of equitable estoppel; RIGL § 42-35-9(g); Penalty Regs. § 12(c); UST Regs. § 15.02 Lanphear NOV sustained, but penalty eliminated (interpreted by director) 10/27/95 12/9/95
Brian's Service Station & Estate of Mary Laudone 93-015/GWE RIGL § 42-17.1-2(u)(1); AAD Rules 7.00, 8.00, & 16.00(d); In re: Edmund Guglielmi Baffoni Appeal dismissed 4/6/94 4/8/94
Robert & Joyce DeLisle and East Greenwich Oil Co., Inc. 93-026/GWE Doctrine of equitable estoppel; UST Regs. 10.05(B), 10.08(H), & 10.13; Ferrelli v. Employment Security Dep't Lanphear NOV sustained in part and dismissed in part 9/27/95 10/5/95
Ronald Gobin and Alliance Motor Sales & Service, Inc. 93-035/GWE RIGL §§ 42-17.1-2(u)(1) & 42-17.6-3; UST Regs. §§ 8.03(B), 10.05(B), 10.08(H), 10.09(A), & 15.02 McMahon NOV sustained in part and denied in part 3/10/97 4/3/97
Francis P. Paine, Francis P. Paine, Jr., and Paine's Texaco Service Station 93-052/GWE Doctrine of equitable estoppel; UST Regs. § 10.06(B); Penalty Regs. § 11(b) Baffoni NOV sustained 6/20/96 4/3/97
In re: DTP, Inc.; Penalty Regs. §§ 4(b) & 14 Baffoni Penalty assessed properly 3/14/97 4/3/97
James H. & Sandra J. Dobson and Wickford Service, Inc. 93-052/GWE UST Regs. §§ 10.06(A)–(B) & 10.10; In re: DTP, Inc.; In re: Richard Fickett; In re: Robert DeLisle et al.; In re: Barbara D'Allesandro McMahon NOV sustained 1/28/97 2/14/97
Haroutioun G. Jerejian 93-076/GWE RIGL §§ 9-1-19, 42-17.1-2(u), & 42-17.6-4; Warwick Sch. Comm. v. Warwick Teachers' Union McMahon Request for hearing dismissed 4/29/94 5/4/94
Anthony Giarrusso 93-079/GWE UST Regs. §§ 7.01, 7.05, 10.06(B), & 15.02; In re: DTP, Inc. Baffoni NOV sustained 5/16/97 7/15/97
People's Coal Company 94-058/WME UST Regs. § 10.06(B) McMahon NOV sustained (amended to add to order) 8/20/96 12/11/96
James W. Furia 96-008/WME RIGL §§ 42-17.6-6(g) & 42-35-10; Penalty Regs. § 10(a)(2)(J); UST Regs. §§ 10.06 & 10.10; Wood v. Ford Baffoni NOV sustained 2/5/99 2/14/99
Gary J. Verduchi 99-007/WME RIGL § 46-12-9; UST Regs. §§ 10.06(B), 10.07(B), 10.08, 10.10(A)–(C), 13.02, & 13.04 Lanphear NOVs sustained in part and dismissed in part 3/24/00 3/31/00
Aram V. Sarkisian 99-011/WME RIGL § 42-17.1-2(u)(1); AAD Rules 5.00(a)–(b) Lanphear Appeal dismissed 4/9/00 4/9/00
Rosemere Realty, Inc. 99-022/WME UST Regs. §§ 10.06(B), 11.02(c), 12.01, & 13.02(A); Penalty Regs. § 12(c); State v. A. Capuano Bros., Inc., In re: Connetta/Sweeney McMahon NOVs sustained in part and dismissed in part 4/24/02 5/1/02
Town of Johnston 99-029/WME RIGL § 42-17.1-2(u)(1); AAD Rules 5.00(a)–(b) Lanphear Appeal dismissed 4/9/00 4/9/00
Louis Vinagro, Jr. 99-033/WME RIGL §§ 23-18.9-5, 23-18.9-7, 23-18.9-8(a), 42-17.6-2, 42-17.6-3, & 42-17.7-8; Solid Waste Regs. 1.3.121, & 1.4.01; Penalty Regs. § 10 & 12(c) McMahon NOV sustained 2/7/03 2/10/03
Patriot Hauling Co., Inc. and Joseph & Nina Vinagro 00-023/WME & 00-061/WME RIGL §§ 23-18.9-5, 23-18.9-7, 23-18.9-8(a), 42-17.6-2, & 42-17.6-3; Solid Waste Regs. 1.3.57; Penalty Regs. § 10 Baffoni NOVs sustained 1/20/04 2/13/04
Landry & Martin Oil Co., Inc. and Lanmar Corp. 00-031/WME RIGL §§ 42-17.6-2 & 42-17.6-4 to -6; UST Regs. §§ 10.06(B), 10.10, 13.02(B)(5), 13.04, & 14.08(D); Penalty Regs §§ 10 & 12(c) McMahon NOV sustained 1/27/03 1/28/03
David Nickerson, Michael Nickerson, & Allen Nickerson 00-033/WME RIGL §§ 42-17.6-2(u)(1), 42-17.6-3, & 42-17.6-6; RI Const., art. 1, § 8; UST Regs. §§ 5.01, 7.22, 7.58, 10.03, 10.06(B), & 10.10 Baffoni NOV sustained 11/19/01 11/20/01
P.J. O'Donnell & Sons, Inc. 00-059/WME Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 12/6/02 12/6/02
US Optica, Inc. 01-006/WME Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 12/6/02 12/6/02
Ultra Metal Finishing Co., Inc. 01-008/WME Respondent failed to appear Lanphear NOV sustained 7/11/01 7/11/01
Harry & Marie Trombley 01-012/WME Respondents failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 12/22/03 1/2/04
Ronald J. Almeida, Ronald J. Almeida Trucking, Inc., Rosemary Halstead, and John & Manuel J. Almeida 01-014/WME RIGL §§ 23-18.9-5, 23-18.9-7, & 23-18.9-8(a)(1); Solid Waste Regs. 1.3.121; In re: Louis Vinagro, Jr. McMahon NOVs sustained in part and dismissed in part 6/25/04 7/7/04
David A. Loffredo 01-016/WME Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 1/10/03 1/13/03
S & R Construction, Ozzi Realty Assoc., & Ozzi Realty Co. 01-018/WME Respondents failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 11/18/02 11/19/02
Douglas H. Farrar 02-011/WME RIGL §§ 23-18.9-5 & 23-18.9-7; R. Evid. 408; Penalty Regs. § 12(c) McMahon NOV sustained 9/4/03 9/8/03
Sembel Enterprises Inc., 75 Goff Ave. Realty Trust, Yohannes Bein, and Simret Zemrht 03-002/WME RIGL §§ 42-17.1-2(u)(1), 42-17.1-2(u)(3), 42-17.6-4, & 42-17.7-9; Super. R. Civ. P. 12 Baffoni Appeal dismissed 9/5/03 9/8/03
Pasco & Susan Raimondo 03-012/WME UST Regs. 3.01, 6.10, 6.13, 8.02(A), 8.06(B), 8.10, 8.13(A), 8.13(E)–(F), 8.14(D), 11.02(A)(3), 11.02(A)(8), 11.02(B)(3), & 11.03 Lanphear NOV sustained 10/27/04 11/15/04
Plantations Heat Treating Corp. 04-002/WME Respondents failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 3/8/04 3/16/04
Hector R. Solis 04-030/WME RIGL § 42-17.7-9 McMahon Matter dismissed 2/23/05 2/24/05
National Plating, LLC 05-006/WME RIGL § 42-17.6-4(a); Penalty Regs. §§ 10 & 12(c) Baffoni NOV sustained 5/22/06 5/23/06
Automotive Recovery Svcs., Inc. & Whitco/​Ameritest Corp. 05-024/WME Respondent Whitco failed to appear Lanphear NOV sustained 1/25/06 1/31/06
Cumberland Farms, Inc. 05-035/WME Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 5/3/06 5/5/06
Hemisphere Management Corporation 06-003/WME Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 3/22/06 3/22/06
Mutual Properties 1245 Jefferson, LLC 07-003/WME UST Regs. § 13.02(A) & 13.05; Penalty Regs. § 12(c); In re: Medea, LLC; In re: Landry & Martin Oil Co., Inc. McMahon Penalty assessed 7/1/08 7/7/08
Lincoln & Lorraine Lawrence 07-009/WME RIGL § 23-18.9-5 & 23-18.9-7(12) Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

Coastal Recycling, Inc. 07-014/WME RIGL §§ 23-18.9-8(e) & 42-17.6-3; Solid Waste Regs. 1.7.13, 7.1.05, 7.2.05, 7.2.06, & 7.7.01(c); Conditions of registration & operating plan Kerins Appeal denied

Monarch Metal Finishing Co., Inc. 08-003/WME Respondent failed to appear Kerins NOV sustained 1/20/09 1/21/09
John Lussier 08-005/WME Respondent failed to appear Kerins Appeal dismissed 9/18/08 9/18/08
R&R Polishing Co., Inc. 08-013/WME Respondent failed to appear Kerins Appeal dismissed

New Property Solutions, Inc. 09-006/WME Respondent failed to appear Kerins NOV sustained 7/15/09 7/15/09
DCPKM Enterprises, Inc. 09-019/WME Respondent failed to appear Kerins Appeal dismissed

Timpson Excavating, Inc. 10-002/WME RIGL § 23-18.9-5 & 23-18.9-8; Solid Waste Regs. 1.4.01; AAD Rule 4; In re: Earthsource, Inc., In re: 1850 Realty Corp. Kerins Appeal sustained

Supreme Asset Management Recovery, Inc. 13-005/WME 40 CFR §§ 261.1(c), 261.2(e), & 262.20(f); Hazardous Waste Regs. § 5.3; Super. R. Civ. P. 56(c) Kerins MSJ for respondent denied

Sullivan, James D., Notice of Violation OWTS 13-53 13 -005/IE Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Rules 8.8, 17.7, 51.2, 51.2.3 Kerins Responent's Appeal Denied, Notice of Violation Upheld, two violations waived


Complete Waste and Recycling Svcs. d/b/a Green Recycle & Reuse 14-004/WME RIGL § 42-17.7-9; In re: Sembel Enterprises, Inc. Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

Railside Environmental Services, Inc. 15-003/WME RIGL § 42-18.9-8(a), 42-18.9-8(c) Kerins Appeal denied & dismissed

75 Goff Ave Realty Trust 16-001/WME UST Regulations Rules 8.21(H), 13.02(A), 13.05 David Spinella Appeal Denied, Dismissed


Freshwater Wetlands Application Appeals
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
Clyde Woods Ltd. P'ship 91-002/FWA Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(a), 5.03(b), 5.03(c), & 7.06(b) Baffoni Appeal denied 2/7/92 2/14/92
Cumberland Park Homes, Inc. 91-017/FWA AAD Rules 5.00(a)(2), 5.00(b), & 5.04; Mauricio v. Zoning Board of Review Lanphear Appeal dismissed 11/13/91 11/14/91
John Travassos (and Environ­mental Scientific Corp.) 91-020/FWA Availability of facts Lanphear Ruling on motion to compel deferred 3/13/92

Super R. Civ. P. 43(b); R. Evid. 611(c); Boulter v. Chesapeake & Ohio R.R. Co.; State v. Ashness Lanphear Applicant may use leading questions on witness 3/17/92

RIGL § 42-17.7-8 Lanphear Motion to compel denied 3/27/92

Policy Guidelines for Permitting Wetland Crossings in Rhode Island; Citizens to Preserve Overton Park v. Volpe Lanphear Alternative not practicable or feasible 9/14/92 9/17/92
Kambiz Karbassi (for Frank Gladding) 91-021/FWA AAD Rule 8.00(a)(2) & 13.00(d) McMahon Third-party intervention denied 3/23/92

Ronald Ronci 92-002/FWA RIGL § 2-1-22(d), 2-1-22(i)(1), & 2-1-22(j); conditions of permit letter McMahon Permit letter upheld with amendments 9/30/93 10/5/93
J.T. O'Connell Realty Company 03-002/FWA RIGL §§ 42-35-1 & 42-35-9(a); Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 9.05(E)(4)(a); AAD Rules 2.00(c)(1) & 7.00(a) Baffoni Neighbor's appeal dismissed 9/15/03 9/25/03
Valley Brook Partners, Inc. 04-009/FWA Applicant failed to appear McMahon Appeal dismissed 1/11/07 1/12/07
Debora & James Eastwood III 05-007/FWA & 05-009/ISA RIGL §§ 42-35-1 & 42-35-9(a); Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 8.02(C); ISDS Regs. 2.02(E); AAD Rules 2.00(c)(1) & 7.00(a) Baffoni Abutter appeals dismissed 12/7/05 12/7/05
Karleetor, LLC 07-004/FWA RIGL §§ 2-1-21, 2-1-22, 42-35-1(c), & 42-35-9(a); Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 9.03(E) & 9.05(E)(4)(a) McMahon Third-party appeals dismissed 10/18/07 10/26/07
LYF, Inc. 07-009/FWA RIGL § 2-1-21(a); Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.23 & 9.05(C)(7)(d) Kerins Appeal denied 6/24/08 6/26/08
Dr. Edward Kent 07-010/FWA Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.17, 5.89, 5.90, 7.01(A), 9.05(E)(2), 10.01, & 11.02 Kerins Appeal denied 12/2/09 12/7/09
Ray Reedy, Inc. 07-013/FWA RIGL § 2-1-21(a); Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.23 & 9.05(C)(7)(d) Kerins Appeal denied 6/10/08 6/11/08
Hopkinton Associates, LLC 07-015/FWA Adminstrative Procedure Act; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 8.02 & 9.05(E) McMahon Abutter appeal dismissed 6/4/08 6/6/08
Sportsmen's Cove Associates 11-004/FWA RIGL § 42-17.2-2; Super. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1), 12(b)(3), & 12(b)(6) Kerins Appeal dismissed

Freshwater Wetlands Enforcement Appeals
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
North American Catholic Educational Programming Foundation Inc, Notice of Violation OCI-FW-17-129 18-004/FWE R.I.G.L. Section 2-1-21 DEM’s Freshwater Wetland Regulations, Rule 5.01 Kerins Respondent’s Appeal denied and dismissed; NOV in effect. 12/4/19 12/4/19
4N Properties LLC, Notice of Violation OCI-FW-18-23 19-004/FWE Appeal filed out of time Kerins OCI’s Motion to Dismiss for filing appeal out of time upheld; Appeal denied and dismissed. 12/4/19 12/4/19
Everett Campbell 91-014/FWE Super. R. Civ. P. 56(c) Baffoni Motion for partial summary judgment denied 4/15/93

Turnquist Lumber Co., Inc. 91-050/FWE AAD Rules 12.00(a) & 15.00(a)(2); Super. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(1) & 33(b) Baffoni Motion to compel granted in part and denied in part 11/10/93

David and Linda Brazil 91-062/FWE RIGL § 2-1-21; ISDS Regs. 2.16; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 3.05; Corrigan v. DEM Lanphear Respondents allowed to file "after the fact" application, but reversed by director 2/7/94 3/2/94
H. Winfield Tucker 91-113/FWE Super. R. Civ. P. 56(d) Lanphear Motion for partial summary judgment granted, deeming facts admitted 1/8/93

Gashy Construction 92-006/FWE & 92-014/FWE RIGL § 2-1-21; In re: Tammie & Mitchell Parkhurst; Lerner v. Gill McMahon NOV sustained 3/16/94 3/18/94
A. Cardi Realty Corp. 92-023/FWE RIGL §§ 42-17.6-4, 42-17.7-2, & 42-35-9(d); DEM Practice & Procedure Rule 16.00(1); Aminoli, Inc. v. EPA; consent agreement Baffoni Request for hearing dismissed 5/14/92 5/18/92
VASA, Ltd. 92-043/FWE RIGL § 2-1-21; State v. A. Capuano Bros. Baffoni NOV sustained 7/25/95 7/28/95
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company 92-044/FWE RIGL § 2-1-20(d); Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 10.01 & 11.01(b); Demers v. Shehab; Phelps v. Bay Street Realty Corp. Baffoni Suspension dismissed, though qualified by director 6/29/93 8/11/93
Proposed amended decision (not available); RIGL § 42-35-12; Moreau v. DEM Director Hearing officer ordered to make findings of fact and conclusions of law 11/10/95

RIGL §§ 42-17.7-6, 42-35-1(c), 42-35-9, & 42-35-12; AAD Rule 16.00(a); Moreau v. DEM Baffoni No penalty, restoration, or penalty hearing required 2/1/96 2/23/96
Durastone Companies 92-045/FWE AAD Rule 8.00(a)(2) McMahon Dismissal vacated 1/4/94

In re: Theodore Shulter­brandt; In re: Barbara D'Allesandro McMahon Third-party claim dismissed 5/12/94

Sabatino & Carol Corrado 92-046/FWE Principles of summary judgment McMahon Motion for partial summary judgment denied 11/12/93

Augustino DelFarno 92-048/FWE Consent agreement & jurisdiction; In re: A. Cardi Realty Corp. McMahon Request for hearing denied 3/11/93 3/15/93
Robert B. & Denise Jakob 92-049/FWE Consent agreement & jurisdiction; In re: A. Cardi Realty Corp. McMahon Request for hearing denied 3/3/93 3/8/93
Joseph & Jean King 92-050/FWE Consent agreement & jurisdiction; In re: A. Cardi Realty Corp. McMahon Request for hearing denied 3/3/93 3/8/93
Roland J. & Anthony J. Fiore 93-012/FWE RIGL § 2-1-21; State v. A. Capuano Bros. Baffoni NOV sustained 11/21/95 12/9/95
Carmine Olivieri and Modern Boating, Inc. 95-020/FWE RIGL § 2-1-21(a); Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.62, 6.01, 6.03, & 7.01(A) McMahon NOV sustained 5/1/97 7/29/98
Gardiner C. McLintock 97-007/FWE RIGL §§ 42-17.1-2(u)(1) & 42-17.6-4(a) Lanphear Appeal dismissed 1/6/98 4/16/98
Carmine J. Gallucci 98-002/FWE Respondent failed to transmit information McMahon NOV sustained 11/16/98 12/31/98
Richie Realty Corp. 98-003/FWE RIGL § 2-1-21; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 7.01 & 9.08 Baffoni NOV sustained 5/14/99 6/7/99
Manuel Silva Mourato 99-003/FWE RIGL § 2-1-21; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.87, 6.02, 6.03, 6.05, & 7.01 Baffoni NOV sustained 1/27/00 2/8/00
Richard M. & Maria B. Lauro 04-001/FWE RIGL § 2-1-21(a); Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 7.01(A) McMahon NOV sustained 11/10/04 12/9/04
David & Constance DeLoia 04-005/FWE Respondent failed to appear Baffoni Compliance order entered 6/24/05 6/24/05
OBF, LLC 07-006/FWE RIGL §§ 2-1-20, 2-1-21(a), 2-1-22(i), & 2-1-22(j); Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 7.01 Kerins NOVs sustained in part and dismissed in part 4/2/09 4/2/09
Hope Mill Village Assoc., LLC and Vincent R. Coccoli 08-002/FWE Respondent failed to appear Kerins NOV sustained 4/27/09 4/27/09
John Wrenn, Stephen Tolias, & Martin Petry 08-006/FWE RIGL §§ 2-1-21, 46-12-5, & 46-19-3; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 7.01; Water Quality Regs. Rules 9(A), 11(B), & 13(A); Powers v. Lawson Spinella NOV dismissed

CFD Realty, LLC and JS Pallet Co., Inc. 09-004/FWE RIGL § 2-1-21; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 7.01 Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

Penalty Regs. § 12(c); In re: Richard Fickett; In re: New England Paint Mfg. Co. Spinella Motion to reconsider granted in part and denied in part

Full Channel TV, Inc. 10-004/FWE RIGL § 2-1-21; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 7.01 Spinella Appeal granted in part and denied in part

Melucci, John 20-002/FWE R.I.G.L. §2-1-21 & Rule 5.01 of the RIDEM Rules and Regulations Governing the Enforcement of Freshwater Wetlands Act Spinella Respondent’s Appeal DISMISSED; NOV Sustained 9/29/22 10/29/22
OWTS Application Appeals
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
Joseph Caito 91-001/ISA ISDS Regs. 2.14, 3.04(4), & 3.05(1); De Felice v. Zoning Bd. of North Providence Baffoni Application granted 9/30/91 10/19/91
Walter Kukulka 91-002/ISA ISDS Regs. 10.02, 10.07, & 15.02; Rhode Island Hospital Trust v. East Providence Zoning Bd.; In re: Thomas S. Christensen; Gaglione v. DiMuro Baffoni Application denied 4/27/92 4/29/92
Dr. Dennis Hart 91-005/ISA AAD Rule 13(c) McMahon Motion to intervene denied 1/9/92

Michael Parrilla 91-007/ISA 1980 ISDS Regs. 2.02(f); Carlson v. McLyman; Gryguc v. Bendick McMahon MSJ denied 11/30/92

Richard Mancini 92-001/ISA ISDS Regs. 3.05(9) & 15.02(b)(3); State v. Villani; In re: Thomas S. Christensen Baffoni Appeal denied 2/3/93 2/5/93
Vincent Toscano 92-012/ISA Applicant failed to appear Lanphear Appeal dismissed 4/4/95 4/11/95
Stuart A. Tucker 92-014/ISA AAD Rules 5.00(a), 13.00(b), & 13.00(c) Baffoni Motion to intervene denied 11/27/92

Thomas Grossi 93-010/ISA ISDS Regs. 2.14, 3.05(1), 3.05(4), 10.01, 11.06(2), & 20.01(f); DiMellio v. Zoning Bd. of Review; Belanger v. Cross; In re: Thomas S. Christensen Baffoni Application denied 8/29/94 9/9/94
Louis G. and Joan R. Roy 95-002/ISA RIGL § 42-17.7-2; ISDS Regs. 21.00; AAD Regs. 7.00(a); In re: William R. Reagan McMahon Abutter appeal dismissed 5/16/95 6/7/95
William R. Reagan 95-004/ISA RIGL § 42-17.7-2; ISDS Regs. 21.00; AAD Regs. 7.00(a); Property Advisory Group, Inc. v. Rylant Lanphear Abutter appeal dismissed 4/26/95 4/28/95
Francis Dupont 98-003/ISA Applicant failed to appear McMahon Appeal dismissed 9/9/98 9/21/98
Robert & Hilda Crispi 01-002/ISA RIGL §§ 42-15-1.1, 42-17.7-2, 42-35-1, 42-35-1.1, 42-35-9, & 42-35-14; AAD Rules 2.00, 3.00, 13.00, & 14.00; ISDS Regs. 21.00 & 21.02 McMahon Abutter appeal dismissed 11/27/01 11/30/01
Rodman & Kathy Champlin 02-004/ISA, 02-005/ISA, & 02-006/ISA Intervenors failed to appear Baffoni Intervenors dismissed 6/17/03 6/18/03
Johnston Corporation 02-012/ISA RIGL § 46-13.2-8; ISDS Regs. 2.01(a), 2.14, 3.05(1), 20.02, & 21.02 Baffoni Application denied 4/2/04 4/28/04
Betty J. Combs 04-003/ISA ISDS Regs. 2.01(a) & 3.05(10) Baffoni Application denied 9/27/04 10/7/04
Bonnet Shores Beach Club Condominium Association 04-013/ISA Appeal by Heath Mgmt. Co. Lanphear Appeal dismissed 11/15/04 12/20/04
Eagle of the North Realty Trust & MacLean Family Trust 05-017/ISA ISDS Regs. 2.01(c)(2), 2.14, 3.05, 19.02.4, & 19.02.5; Strafach v. Durfee Lanphear Application denied 2/19/07 2/19/07
William & Donna Balcezak 07-017/ISA ISDS Regs. 2.02(d), 2.02(f), 15.02(a)–(b), 19.02.5, 20.00(d), 20.01(e), 20.02, & 21.02 Kerins Application denied (amended slightly) 6/3/09 6/6/09
Bruce Gardner 08-007/ISA ISDS Regs. 2.14, 3.05(1), 3.05(4), 19.02.4, 19.02.5(b)(1), 20.02(a)–(b), & 21.02 Kerins Request initially granted, but overturned by director 4/13/10 6/9/10
James O'Neil 08-018/ISA RIGL §§ 42-15-1.1, 42-17.7-2, 42-35-1, 42-35-1.1, 42-35-9, & 42-35-14; AAD Rules 2.00, 3.00, & 13.00; ISDS Regs. 21.00 & 21.02 Kerins Abutter appeal dismissed 11/17/08 11/18/08
Old North Land Investments, LLC 11-004/ISA OWTS Regs. 49.1 & 49.2 Kerins Appeal denied & dismissed

Anmar Holding, LLC 12-002/ISA OWTS Regs. 48.2.2(E)(ix) & 49.6 Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

Tiverton Four Corners Properties, Inc. 16-001/ISA OWTS Regs. Rule 49, Super R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6), AAD Rule 8.00 Spinella Appeal dismissed


OWTS Enforcement Appeals
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
Orion, LLC, Notice of Violation OCI-OWTS-19-21 19-003/IE Appeal filed out of time Kerins Respondent’s Appeal dismissed; NOV in effect 8/5/19 8/5/19
Curt, Kevin & Elena Notice of Violation OCI-OWTS-18-37 19-001/IE Respondent failed to appear Kerins Respondent’s Appeal dismissed; NOV in effect 6/25/19 6/25/19
Dugas, Tracy 18-005/IE Respondent failed to appear Kerins Respondent’s Appeal dismissed; NOV in effect 3/28/19 3/28/19
Arkins, Josephine R. 18-004/IE Respondent failed to appear Kerins Respondent’s Appeal dismissed; NOV in effect 1/22/19 1/22/19
EasyStay, LLC 17-003/IE OWTS Regulations 8.9 and 17.7 Kerins Respondent’s Appeal denied and dismissed; Notice of Violation upheld 1/25/19 2/25/19
David and Judy Kaloyanides 91-008/IE Super. R. Civ. P. 36(a); ISDS Regs. 2.08; Industrial Nat'l Bank v. Patriarca Byrnes Request for admissions granted; DEM's MSJ denied 3/16/92

John W. Norton 91-035/IE Respondent failed to appear McMahon NOV sustained 5/5/92 5/6/92
Carol Anne Mancini 91-039/IE Super. R. Civ. P. 41; RIGL § 42-17.1-2(u)(1); AAD Rules 7.00(A) & 8.00 Byrnes Request for hearing dismissed 1/13/92 1/13/92
Wayne Sullivan 92-003/IE ISDS Regs. 2.01(a) & 2.05(a); summary judgment standards Lanphear NOV sustained 8/19/92 8/22/92
Foster-Glocester Regional School District 92-005/IE Super. R. Civ. P. 36 & 56; Nedder v. Rhode Island Hosp. Trust Nat. Bank; Mulholland Const. v. Lee Pare & Assoc. McMahon Penalty sustained on MSJ (with note by director) 1/4/93 1/18/93
Gregory and Kathleen Coletti 92-018/IE RIGL §§ 42-17.6-6; ISDS Regs. 2.08 & 11.05; Penalty Regs. § 12(c) McMahon Penalty reduced 3/25/94 3/29/94
Muratore Realty Corporation 92-019/IE RIGL § 42-17.6-4; timeliness of appeal McMahon Appeal dismissed (later vacated) 2/4/93 2/8/93
RIGL § 42-17.6-4; timeliness of appeal McMahon Appeal dismissed 4/13/93 4/15/93
Gerard L. & Antoinette Bucci 92-022/IE RIGL §§ 42-17.6-6 & 42-35-10; ISDS Regs. 2.08; Penalty Regs. § 12(c); Wood v. Ford McMahon Penalty sustained 3/23/95 3/31/95
Thomas & Karen Nutini 92-024/IE ISDS Regs. 2.07 & 2.08; necessity of laboratory results Lanphear Penalty sustained 4/22/94 5/3/94
Michael Riccitelli 93-001/IE Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 3/30/93 4/2/93
Lynn Audrey Booth 93-002/IE Respondent failed to appear; AAD Rule 8.00; RIGL § 42-17.1-2(u) Byrnes NOV sustained 3/30/93 4/2/93
Domingos Gomes 93-013/IE Voluntary dismissal Baffoni NOV dismissed 3/2/93 3/8/93
Becky L. Sullivan 93-035/IE Respondent failed to appear; AAD Rule 8.00(a)(2) Lanphear NOV sustained 4/13/93 4/16/93
Anthony & Joan Palmieri 93-037/IE Respondents failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 7/26/93 7/28/93
Edmund Guglielmi 93-040/IE Respondent failed to appear; AAD Rule 8.00(a)(2) Lanphear NOV sustained 4/28/93 4/29/93
Henry A. Lacerda, Jr. 93-041/IE Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 7/14/93 7/19/93
Peter & Cynthia Caruso 93-053/IE Respondents failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 7/26/93 7/28/93
David J. Grandmaison 93-058/IE Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 12/7/93 12/8/93
Florence Ingram 93-082/IE Respondent failed to appear; health & medical excuses McMahon NOV sustained 8/16/95 8/21/95
Nicholas Ricci 93-091/IE Respondent failed to appear Lanphear NOV sustained 10/5/94 Unk.
Lawrence G. & Francine E. Clark 96-003/IE ISDS Regs. 2.08; penalties Baffoni NOV sustained 7/25/97 7/31/97
James & Pamela Meyer 97-006/IE RIGL §§ 46-12.5(a); Penalty Regs. Water Pollution Control Penalty Matrix Baffoni Penalty sustained 10/7/98 11/2/98
Gerald Warren 98-001/IE RIGL §§ 5-56-5 & 5-56-7; ISDS Regs. 2.01(a), 2.01(b)(3)(D), 2.05(a), & 11.07 McMahon NOV sustained 8/17/99 9/9/99
Anthony L. & Nidia Rodrigues 99-006/IE Respondents failed to appear McMahon NOV sustained 8/1/00 8/4/00
Gino Costantino 01-007/IE ISDS Regs. 2.08 McMahon NOV sustained 4/15/03 4/17/03
Roger & Jeanne Lapierre 02-007/IE Respondents failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 4/3/03 4/4/03
Stephen C. Gressak 05-005/IE Respondent failed to appear McMahon NOV sustained 10/20/06 10/26/06
Lloyd A. G. Rustigian 06-001/IE ISDS Regs. 2.00(a)(2)(A) & 2.00(a)(2)(B) McMahon NOVs sustained in part and dismissed in part 6/8/07 6/11/07
Simon J. and Dale Ann Aubrey 07-010/IE Respondents failed to appear Kerins Appeal dismissed 6/23/08 6/26/08
Gioconda Gordon 08-003/IE Respondent failed to appear Kerins NOV sustained 12/18/08 12/23/08
Van Pavao and SPH, LLC 09-001/IE Appeal was not timely; no objection to motion to dismiss Kerins Appeal dismissed 4/20/09 4/21/09
Howard R. Migneault 11-001/IE Respondent failed to appear Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

Lynn A. Soscia 11-004/IE Respondent failed to appear Kerins NOV sustained

James D. Sullivan 13-005/IE OWTS Regs. 7, 8.8, & 17.7 Kerins NOV sustained with amendments

Site Remediation Enforcement Appeals
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
Barbara D'Allesandro 91-006/GWE RIGL § 42-17.7-2; Super R. Civ. P. 14(a); Iorio v. Chin Lanphear Request to assert a third-party complaint denied 6/8/92
UST Regs. 9(b) & 9(d); relationships between owners and operators Baffoni Respondent found liable 8/4/93 8/6/93
Arpad Merva 93-024/GWE[2] RIGL § 42-35-8; Lombardi v. Goodyear Loan Co.; Berberian v. Travisano Baffoni Petition for declaratory ruling denied 9/8/95 9/13/95
RIGL §§ 46-12-5 & 46-12.5-3; Super. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6) & 12(c); AAD Rule 8.00(a) Baffoni Respondent motion to dismiss denied 9/28/95
RIGL § 42-17.7-2; In re Advisory Opinion to Governor; In re: Theodore Shulterbrandt Baffoni Third-party complaint dismissed 10/11/95
RIGL §§ 46-12-5 & 46-12.5-3; Oil Pollution Control Regs. § 6(a); Groundwater Regs. 8.01, 8.02, & 8.04; Friends of the Sakonnet v. Dutra Baffoni NOV sustained 11/12/96 12/11/96
Anthony J., Joseph F., & Thomas R. Connetta and Marguerite Sweeney 94-020/SRE RIGL §§ 46-12-1(14), 46-12-1(19), 46-12-5(a)–(b), 46-12-28, 46-12.5-3, & 46-17.6-6; Oil Pollution Control Regs. § 6(a); In re: Arpad Merva; Penalty Regs. § 10 McMahon NOV sustained, but penalty reduced 8/8/97 8/21/97
Concord Oil of Newport and Joseph Tomaino 94-023/SRE RIGL §§ 46-12-5, 46-12-28, & 46-12.5-3; Oil Pollution Control Regs. § 13(a)(6); UST Regs. §§5.01, 5.02, 9.00, 10.06, 14.00–.02, & 14.08–.12; In re: Barbara D'Allesandro Baffoni NOV sustained 1/14/97 2/6/97
Mild, Inc. 94-024/SRE Implementation of record agreement Lanphear Agreement implemented 10/11/02 10/11/02
Campton Industries, Inc. 95-011/SRE Oil Pollution Control Regs. § 13; Penalty Regs. § 10; RIGL § 42-17.1-2(u); Sup. Ct. art. V, R. 3.7; R. Evid. 801(d)(2) Baffoni NOV sustained 3/10/98 6/8/98
Speedy Petroleum Inc., Speedy Auto Repair, Inc., & Dikran Tashian 95-011/SRE Respondents failed to appear McMahon NOVs sustained 8/7/00 8/9/00
Sanford Neuschatz 00-002/SRE Property deeds and leases; Penalty Regs. §§ 10 & 12(c); UST Regs. § 14.11 & 14.12; In re: Connetta/Sweeney McMahon Penalty assessed; remediation ordered 3/1/02 3/4/02
Medea, LLC 00-006/SRE RIGL § 46-12-28 & 46-12.5.1-3; Oil Pollution Control Regs. § 6(a); UST Regs. §§ 14.09, 14.09, & 15.10(C); principles of joint & several liability; Penalty Regs. § 10(a)(2) McMahon Respondent's motion to dismiss denied; remanded for recalculation of penalty 7/25/03
Charles T. Cove & Cove Metal Co. 01-003/SRE RIGL §§ 23-18.9-5(a)–(b), 46-12-5(a)–(b), 46-12.5.1-3, & 46-12-28; Oil Pollution Control Regs. § 6(a); UST Regs. §§ 8.00 & 15.02(A) Lanphear NOV sustained 3/31/03 4/1/03
Acme Plumbing, Heating, & Fuel Oil Co. 02-002/SRE Respondent failed to appear McMahon NOV sustained 12/22/03 1/9/04
Getty Petroleum Marketing, Inc., Power Test Realty Co., & Getty Properties Corp. 05-001/SRE RIGL §§ 23-19.14-3(c), 46-12-28(i), 46-12.5.1-1(i), 46-12.5.1-3, & 46-16-5; Remediation Regs. Rules 3.28, 4.01, 4.02, 7.01, & 7.08; Oil Pollution Control Regs. §§ 6(a) & 12(b); Water Quality Regs. 11(b), 11(e), & 13(a); In re: Arpad Merva; Merva v. DEM Kerins NOVs sustained in part and dismissed in part (amended to recalculate damages ) 10/15/08 12/23/09
Cardi Corp. and RI Dep't of Transportation (RIDOT) 08-003/SRE RIGL §§ 23-18.9-5, 23-19.14-6, & 42-17.6-7; Penalty Regs. § 10(A)(2); Remediation Regs. 4.01; Super. R. Civ. P. 52(c); Pawtucket Power Associated Ltd. P'ship v. City of Pawtucket Spinella Motion for JMOL denied 11/8/12
[2] While most cases with the obsolete GWE (Division of Groundwater Protection) designation would now be under the Division of Waste Management, this case deals with site remediation.
Vayl, Michael
Notice of Violation OC-SR-16-6
17-001/SRE Respondent failed to appear David Kerins Respondent’s Appeal dismissed; NOV in effect 10/22/18

Water Resources Application Appeals

Water Resources Application Appeals
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
Sakonnet Point Club, Inc. 02-007/WRA RIPDES Rule 11.02(a)(14)(i)(A); Water Quality Regs. Rule 8D(1)(f)–(g); Anti­degradation Implement­ation Policy (Appendix C) Lanphear Motion for JMOL denied; appeal dismissed 10/8/03 10/14/03
Champlin's Realty Associates 04-008/WRA RIGL §§ 42-17.7-2 & 42-35-1(c); Water Quality Regs. Rules 13B, 17C, & 21B; In re: Bruce E. Harrington; In re: Philip E. & Jacqueline Pelletier Baffoni Appeal dismissed & request for hearing denied 3/4/05 3/17/05
Weaver's Cove Energy, LLC 07-002/WRA Water Quality Regs. Rules 14A(4), 14A(6), 14C, & 15C(3)(d)–(e); Clean Water Act § 401; RIGL § 46-6.1 Kerins Appeal denied 1/30/09 2/10/09
The Clambake Club of Newport and The Friends of Easton Point, Inc. 09-001/WRA AAD Rule 7.00; RIPDES Rules 47, 49(a), & 49(c)(5); DEM Practice & Procedure Rule 13 Spinella Motion to dismiss granted; motion to intervene denied; FEPI may participate 12/4/09 12/9/09
Kent v. DEM; evidentiary issues for prehearing memoranda Spinella Ordered to revise memoranda

Kent v. DEM; AAD Rule 15(d); RIGL § 23-18.9-5, 23-18.9-7(12), 46-12-1(15), & 46-12-5; RIPDES Rule 46; Water Quality Regs. Table 2.8(D)(3) Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

James L. & Elizabeth B. Crawford 11-006/WRA RIGL §§ 42-17.7-2, 42-17.7-3(2) & 42-17.7-9; AAD Rules 7.00(a)–(b); In re: William R. Reagan Kerins Appeal dismissed

Water Resources Enforcement Appeals
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
Philip E. & Jacqueline Pelletier 92-002/WRE Super. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1); Policy on the Application of Water Quality Standards; In re: Richard Alegria McMahon Request for hearing dismissed 3/9/93 3/18/93
Bruce E. Harrington 92-003/WRE Super. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1); Policy on the Application of Water Quality Standards; In re: Richard Alegria McMahon Request for hearing dismissed 3/9/93 3/22/93
Daniel Kaplan 92-004/WRE Super. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1); Policy on the Application of Water Quality Standards; In re: Richard Alegria McMahon Request for hearing dismissed 3/8/93 3/22/93
Felix De Weldon 93-001/WRE Respondent failed to appear McMahon NOV sustained 12/20/93 12/22/93
Warren Sewer Commission & Wastewater Treatment Facility 93-005/WRE RIGL §§ 46-12-3(a), 46-12-3(c), 46-12-5(b), & 46-12-13; estoppel Baffoni NOV sustained 4/15/94 4/26/94
Soscia Enterprises, Inc. 93-012/WRE RIGL § 46-12-5; evidentiary issues and testimony McMahon Contested penalty dismissed 2/8/96 3/21/96
Quidnick Reservoir Co. 93-017/WRE RIGL § 42-17.7-2; AAD Rules 13.00(b), 13.00(d), & 13.00(e); Town of Smithfield v. Fanning Lanphear Third party may participate but not be an intervenor 2/1/94

Town of Jamestown 94-005/WRE RIGL §§ 42-17.7-2, 45-13-9, 46-12-4, 46-12-4.1, & 46-12-9(a); User Fee Regs. 6(b)(iii); Russo v. Cedrone Baffoni Respondent found liable on MSJ 8/11/95

RIGL § 42-35-10; In re: Warren Sewer Comm'n; In re: Gerard & Antoinette Bucci; Penalty Regs. § 12(c)  McMahon Penalty assessed 1/12/96 1/23/96
US Optica, Inc. 02-001/WRE Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 12/6/02 12/6/02
Mayflower International, Ltd. 04-006/WRE RIGL § 46-12-5(b); RIPDES Rules 8, 9(a), 14.02(a), 14.14, & 14.17(d); McMahon Penalty assessed 5/30/06 5/31/06
Rollingwood Acres, Inc., Smithfield Peat Co., Inc., & Smithfield Crushing Co., LLC 06-004/WRE Oil Pollution Control Regs. §§ 6(a), 12(b)(2), & 12(b)(3); Water Quality Regs. 8.D.2 tbl.1 & App'x C(III) Kerins Appeal granted in part and denied in part

RIGL §§ 42-92-2(2), 42-92-2(6), 42-92-2(7), 42-92-3(a), 42-92-4, & 46-12-5(b); AAD Rule 20.00(f); In re: Truk-Away; Taft v. Pare Kerins Petition for litigation expenses denied

Mungeon Realty, Inc. 08-001/WRE Respondent failed to appear Kerins NOV sustained 10/1/09 10/2/09
Cory's Petroleum, Inc. 08-006/WRE RIGL § 46-12.5.1-3; Oil Pollution Control Regs. §§ 6(a), 12(b)(2), 12(b)(3), 13(a)(4), & 13(a)(6) Kerins Appeal denied, NOV sustained

Ginalski, Mark J. D/B/A MG Marine, Inc. 18-007/WRE R.I.G.L. §46-12-5(a); R.I.G.L. 46-12-5(b); RIDEM’s Water Quality Regulations Part 1.11A, Part 1.13B & 1.15A Spinella OC&I’s Motion to Dismiss GRANTED pursuant to R.I. Superior Court Rules of Civil Procedure 25(1) and 41(b) 10/26/22 10/26/22
Waste Management Application Appeals
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
NO LNG IN PVD AAD No. 17-001/SRA Remediation Regulations § 14.2, APA Kerins Appeal Dismissed 5/18/18 6/18/18
Global Waste Recycling 00-001/WMA RIGL § 23-18-9.7(3) & 23-18.9-9; Solid Waste Regs. 1.7.02(b), 1.7.15, 1.10, 7.1.01(d), 7.1.05, 7.1.06, 7.2.02–06, 7.2.08, 7.3.01–03 McMahon Application denied 3/14/01 3/15/01
TLA-Providence, LLC 11-001/WMA License; Super. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6) Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

Peter M. Willey (Railside Envtl. Svcs.) 13-001/WMA RIGL § 23-18.9-9(a)(6); AAD Rule 19(b)(1)–(2) Spinella Third-party appeal denied & dismissed

Waste Management Enforcement Appeals
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
Fuel Depot, Inc/Sahyouni, Abed M. Notice of Violation OCI-UST-2018-3-00879 18-003/WME R.I. General Laws §46-12-3(21) & DEM’s UST Regulations, Rule 8.04(A) Warren Respondent’s Appeal dismissed; NOV is upheld 4/2/20 5/4/20
BMC Petroleum Inc., Notice of Violation OCI-UST-18-77-00701 19-010/WME Respondent failed to appear Kerins Respondent’s Appeal denied & dismissed; NOV in effect 9/17/19 9/17/19
Road Runners Food Mart, Inc., Notice of Violation OCI-UST-2018-18-03176 18-009/WME Respondent failed to appear Kerins Respondent’s Appeal denied and dismissed; NOV upheld 8/5/19 8/5/19
Ken Rocha Collision, LLC, Notice of Violation OCI-HW-15-83 18-004/WME Superior Court ruled in PC-2019-4836 that RI DEM Administrative Adjudication Division lacks subject matter jurisdiction to adjudicate matters under the Rhode Island Hazardous Waste Management Act Kerins Appeal dismissed for lack of jurisdiction 7/10/19 7/10/19
Fairlawn Oil Service, Inc. 91-001/GWE RIGL § 42-17.1-2(u)(A)(1); AAD Rules 5.00(a)(2), 5.00(b), & 8.00(a)(2); Bowen v. Hackett Baffoni NOV sustained 11/27/91 11/29/91
Loft Har Properties, Inc. 92-001/GWE Respondent failed to appear Lanphear NOV sustained 3/10/93 3/15/93
Block Island Power Company 92-002/GWE DEM failed to respond to motion to dismiss Byrnes NOV dismissed 4/2/93 4/5/93
Pasco and Susan Raimondo (dba Pat's Service Station), Hendel Petroleum, and Myron Hendel (dba Hendel's, Inc.) 92-004/GWE Respondent failed to appear Lanphear NOV sustained 1/5/93 1/11/93
Warren Oil Co. & Alwar Equities, Inc. 92-010/GWE Joint request to dismiss Lanphear Matter dismissed with stipulations 7/3/92 7/5/92
Gregory and Marion Sullivan 93-005/GWE AAD Rule 8.00(a)(3); Super. R. Civ. P. 36(a); General Electric Co. v. Forsell & Son, Inc.; Cardi Corp. v. State of Rhode Island; Demers v. Demers Lanphear Motion to respond late to request for admissions denied

Super. R. Civ. P. 56(c) Lanphear Respondents found liable

RIGL §§ 42-17.1-2(m) & 47-17.6-3; Penalty Regs. § 7(e) Lanphear Penalty sustained 6/1/95 6/15/95
Richard Fickett 93-014/GWE Doctrine of equitable estoppel; RIGL § 42-35-9(g); Penalty Regs. § 12(c); UST Regs. § 15.02 Lanphear NOV sustained, but penalty eliminated (interpreted by director) 10/27/95 12/9/95
Brian's Service Station & Estate of Mary Laudone 93-015/GWE RIGL § 42-17.1-2(u)(1); AAD Rules 7.00, 8.00, & 16.00(d); In re: Edmund Guglielmi Baffoni Appeal dismissed 4/6/94 4/8/94
Robert & Joyce DeLisle and East Greenwich Oil Co., Inc. 93-026/GWE Doctrine of equitable estoppel; UST Regs. 10.05(B), 10.08(H), & 10.13; Ferrelli v. Employment Security Dep't Lanphear NOV sustained in part and dismissed in part 9/27/95 10/5/95
Ronald Gobin and Alliance Motor Sales & Service, Inc. 93-035/GWE RIGL §§ 42-17.1-2(u)(1) & 42-17.6-3; UST Regs. §§ 8.03(B), 10.05(B), 10.08(H), 10.09(A), & 15.02 McMahon NOV sustained in part and denied in part 3/10/97 4/3/97
Francis P. Paine, Francis P. Paine, Jr., and Paine's Texaco Service Station 93-052/GWE Doctrine of equitable estoppel; UST Regs. § 10.06(B); Penalty Regs. § 11(b) Baffoni NOV sustained 6/20/96 4/3/97
In re: DTP, Inc.; Penalty Regs. §§ 4(b) & 14 Baffoni Penalty assessed properly 3/14/97 4/3/97
James H. & Sandra J. Dobson and Wickford Service, Inc. 93-052/GWE UST Regs. §§ 10.06(A)–(B) & 10.10; In re: DTP, Inc.; In re: Richard Fickett; In re: Robert DeLisle et al.; In re: Barbara D'Allesandro McMahon NOV sustained 1/28/97 2/14/97
Haroutioun G. Jerejian 93-076/GWE RIGL §§ 9-1-19, 42-17.1-2(u), & 42-17.6-4; Warwick Sch. Comm. v. Warwick Teachers' Union McMahon Request for hearing dismissed 4/29/94 5/4/94
Anthony Giarrusso 93-079/GWE UST Regs. §§ 7.01, 7.05, 10.06(B), & 15.02; In re: DTP, Inc. Baffoni NOV sustained 5/16/97 7/15/97
People's Coal Company 94-058/WME UST Regs. § 10.06(B) McMahon NOV sustained (amended to add to order) 8/20/96 12/11/96
James W. Furia 96-008/WME RIGL §§ 42-17.6-6(g) & 42-35-10; Penalty Regs. § 10(a)(2)(J); UST Regs. §§ 10.06 & 10.10; Wood v. Ford Baffoni NOV sustained 2/5/99 2/14/99
Gary J. Verduchi 99-007/WME RIGL § 46-12-9; UST Regs. §§ 10.06(B), 10.07(B), 10.08, 10.10(A)–(C), 13.02, & 13.04 Lanphear NOVs sustained in part and dismissed in part 3/24/00 3/31/00
Aram V. Sarkisian 99-011/WME RIGL § 42-17.1-2(u)(1); AAD Rules 5.00(a)–(b) Lanphear Appeal dismissed 4/9/00 4/9/00
Rosemere Realty, Inc. 99-022/WME UST Regs. §§ 10.06(B), 11.02(c), 12.01, & 13.02(A); Penalty Regs. § 12(c); State v. A. Capuano Bros., Inc., In re: Connetta/Sweeney McMahon NOVs sustained in part and dismissed in part 4/24/02 5/1/02
Town of Johnston 99-029/WME RIGL § 42-17.1-2(u)(1); AAD Rules 5.00(a)–(b) Lanphear Appeal dismissed 4/9/00 4/9/00
Louis Vinagro, Jr. 99-033/WME RIGL §§ 23-18.9-5, 23-18.9-7, 23-18.9-8(a), 42-17.6-2, 42-17.6-3, & 42-17.7-8; Solid Waste Regs. 1.3.121, & 1.4.01; Penalty Regs. § 10 & 12(c) McMahon NOV sustained 2/7/03 2/10/03
Patriot Hauling Co., Inc. and Joseph & Nina Vinagro 00-023/WME & 00-061/WME RIGL §§ 23-18.9-5, 23-18.9-7, 23-18.9-8(a), 42-17.6-2, & 42-17.6-3; Solid Waste Regs. 1.3.57; Penalty Regs. § 10 Baffoni NOVs sustained 1/20/04 2/13/04
Landry & Martin Oil Co., Inc. and Lanmar Corp. 00-031/WME RIGL §§ 42-17.6-2 & 42-17.6-4 to -6; UST Regs. §§ 10.06(B), 10.10, 13.02(B)(5), 13.04, & 14.08(D); Penalty Regs §§ 10 & 12(c) McMahon NOV sustained 1/27/03 1/28/03
David Nickerson, Michael Nickerson, & Allen Nickerson 00-033/WME RIGL §§ 42-17.6-2(u)(1), 42-17.6-3, & 42-17.6-6; RI Const., art. 1, § 8; UST Regs. §§ 5.01, 7.22, 7.58, 10.03, 10.06(B), & 10.10 Baffoni NOV sustained 11/19/01 11/20/01
P.J. O'Donnell & Sons, Inc. 00-059/WME Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 12/6/02 12/6/02
US Optica, Inc. 01-006/WME Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 12/6/02 12/6/02
Ultra Metal Finishing Co., Inc. 01-008/WME Respondent failed to appear Lanphear NOV sustained 7/11/01 7/11/01
Harry & Marie Trombley 01-012/WME Respondents failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 12/22/03 1/2/04
Ronald J. Almeida, Ronald J. Almeida Trucking, Inc., Rosemary Halstead, and John & Manuel J. Almeida 01-014/WME RIGL §§ 23-18.9-5, 23-18.9-7, & 23-18.9-8(a)(1); Solid Waste Regs. 1.3.121; In re: Louis Vinagro, Jr. McMahon NOVs sustained in part and dismissed in part 6/25/04 7/7/04
David A. Loffredo 01-016/WME Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 1/10/03 1/13/03
S & R Construction, Ozzi Realty Assoc., & Ozzi Realty Co. 01-018/WME Respondents failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 11/18/02 11/19/02
Douglas H. Farrar 02-011/WME RIGL §§ 23-18.9-5 & 23-18.9-7; R. Evid. 408; Penalty Regs. § 12(c) McMahon NOV sustained 9/4/03 9/8/03
Sembel Enterprises Inc., 75 Goff Ave. Realty Trust, Yohannes Bein, and Simret Zemrht 03-002/WME RIGL §§ 42-17.1-2(u)(1), 42-17.1-2(u)(3), 42-17.6-4, & 42-17.7-9; Super. R. Civ. P. 12 Baffoni Appeal dismissed 9/5/03 9/8/03
Pasco & Susan Raimondo 03-012/WME UST Regs. 3.01, 6.10, 6.13, 8.02(A), 8.06(B), 8.10, 8.13(A), 8.13(E)–(F), 8.14(D), 11.02(A)(3), 11.02(A)(8), 11.02(B)(3), & 11.03 Lanphear NOV sustained 10/27/04 11/15/04
Plantations Heat Treating Corp. 04-002/WME Respondents failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 3/8/04 3/16/04
Hector R. Solis 04-030/WME RIGL § 42-17.7-9 McMahon Matter dismissed 2/23/05 2/24/05
National Plating, LLC 05-006/WME RIGL § 42-17.6-4(a); Penalty Regs. §§ 10 & 12(c) Baffoni NOV sustained 5/22/06 5/23/06
Automotive Recovery Svcs., Inc. & Whitco/​Ameritest Corp. 05-024/WME Respondent Whitco failed to appear Lanphear NOV sustained 1/25/06 1/31/06
Cumberland Farms, Inc. 05-035/WME Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 5/3/06 5/5/06
Hemisphere Management Corporation 06-003/WME Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 3/22/06 3/22/06
Mutual Properties 1245 Jefferson, LLC 07-003/WME UST Regs. § 13.02(A) & 13.05; Penalty Regs. § 12(c); In re: Medea, LLC; In re: Landry & Martin Oil Co., Inc. McMahon Penalty assessed 7/1/08 7/7/08
Lincoln & Lorraine Lawrence 07-009/WME RIGL § 23-18.9-5 & 23-18.9-7(12) Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

Coastal Recycling, Inc. 07-014/WME RIGL §§ 23-18.9-8(e) & 42-17.6-3; Solid Waste Regs. 1.7.13, 7.1.05, 7.2.05, 7.2.06, & 7.7.01(c); Conditions of registration & operating plan Kerins Appeal denied

Monarch Metal Finishing Co., Inc. 08-003/WME Respondent failed to appear Kerins NOV sustained 1/20/09 1/21/09
John Lussier 08-005/WME Respondent failed to appear Kerins Appeal dismissed 9/18/08 9/18/08
R&R Polishing Co., Inc. 08-013/WME Respondent failed to appear Kerins Appeal dismissed

New Property Solutions, Inc. 09-006/WME Respondent failed to appear Kerins NOV sustained 7/15/09 7/15/09
DCPKM Enterprises, Inc. 09-019/WME Respondent failed to appear Kerins Appeal dismissed

Timpson Excavating, Inc. 10-002/WME RIGL § 23-18.9-5 & 23-18.9-8; Solid Waste Regs. 1.4.01; AAD Rule 4; In re: Earthsource, Inc., In re: 1850 Realty Corp. Kerins Appeal sustained

Supreme Asset Management Recovery, Inc. 13-005/WME 40 CFR §§ 261.1(c), 261.2(e), & 262.20(f); Hazardous Waste Regs. § 5.3; Super. R. Civ. P. 56(c) Kerins MSJ for respondent denied

Sullivan, James D., Notice of Violation OWTS 13-53 13 -005/IE Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Rules 8.8, 17.7, 51.2, 51.2.3 Kerins Responent's Appeal Denied, Notice of Violation Upheld, two violations waived


Complete Waste and Recycling Svcs. d/b/a Green Recycle & Reuse 14-004/WME RIGL § 42-17.7-9; In re: Sembel Enterprises, Inc. Spinella Appeal denied & dismissed

Railside Environmental Services, Inc. 15-003/WME RIGL § 42-18.9-8(a), 42-18.9-8(c) Kerins Appeal denied & dismissed

75 Goff Ave Realty Trust 16-001/WME UST Regulations Rules 8.21(H), 13.02(A), 13.05 Spinella Appeal Denied, Dismissed


R & P Investment Company, LLC 22-004/WME R.I.G.L. §46-12.5.1-3; Rhode Island’s Oil Pollution Control Regulations (250-RICR-14-25-2) Part 2.6(A) and Part 2.12(B)(2) Spinella OC&I’s Motion for Default Dismissal GRANTED and Respondent’s Appeal dismissed 11/3/22 11/3/22
Service Transport Group, Inc. 22-006/WME Solid Waste Regulations Part 1.9(N) Spinella OC&I’s Motion to Dismiss GRANTED pursuant to R.I. Superior Court Rules of Civil Procedure 12(b) and Rule 1.8 of the Rules and Regulations for the Administrative Adjudication Division 11/17/22 11/17/22
Miscellaneous (Forest Environment, Air Resources, and others)
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
Town of East Greenwich 20-002/ARE OAR issued Minor Source Permit to Medrecycler-RI, Inc. pursuant to 250-RICR-120-05-9, Air Pollution Control Permits and Town of East Greenwich appealed said permit. Spinella Appeal dismissed; AAD does not have subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to Rhode Island Rules of Civil Procedure 12(b)(1) 9/9/2020
Taraco Environmental Services, Inc. 91-002/AHA, 91-005/AHE, & 91-007/AHE Super. R. Civ. P. 56(b) & 56(c) Baffoni MSJ denied 10/25/91
RIGL §§ 23-19.1-10(b)(8), 23-19.1-10(c), & 42-35-14; Chernov Enters. Inc. v. Sarkas Baffoni Motion for order to issue permit denied 12/6/91
RIGL §§ 23-19.1-9 & 23-19.1-10; Hazardous Waste Regs. §§ 5.02, 5.04, & 5.10; Larue v. Registrar of Motor Vehicles; burden of proof Baffoni NOV and denial of application sustained 7/15/92 7/24/92
Abate and Ursillo Plating Co., et al. 92-011/AHE RIGL § 42-17.1-2(u) Lanphear No jurisdiction when hearing not requested; motion denied as to the party requesting a hearing 7/30/91 7/30/91
Lee & Richard Abbott 91-017/AHE AAD Rules 5.00(b) & 8.00(2) Byrnes Third-party respondent MSJ granted 5/19/93 5/21/93
Respondent Lee Abbott failed to appear Byrnes NOV sustained 6/3/93 6/7/93
Fredric Dupuis Spotless Cleaners 92-001/AHE DEM failed to respond to motion to dismiss McMahon NOV dismissed 2/3/92 2/3/92
Manuel Furtado Jr. and Bristol Sandblasting Co. 92-015/AHE RIGL §§ 23-19.1-4(4), 23-19.1-8, 23-19.1-9, & 23-19.1-10(a); Hazardous Waste Regs. §§ 3.25, 7.01, & 7.09 Baffoni NOV sustained 6/8/95 6/15/95
Theodore Shulterbrandt and Buttonwoods Cleaners & Tailors, Inc. 92-035/AHE 11 U.S.C. § 362; RIGL § 42-17.7-2; In re: Lakeview Farm, Inc.; In re: Barbara D'Allesandro Baffoni Third-party complaint dismissed 12/9/93
N.E. Ecological Development, Inc., Louis Vinagro, Jr., Beverly Vinagro, & Anthony Vinagro 92-042/AHE, 92-044/AHE, & 92-045/AHE RIGL §§ 42-17.6-4 & 42-17.7-2; AAD Rules 9.00(a); withdrawal of request for hearing Baffoni Motion denied due to lack of jurisdiction 4/16/98 9/21/98
THBC, Inc. 92-043/AHE Respondent failed to appear Lanphear NOV sustained 12/21/93 12/22/93
West Shore Exteriors, Inc. 92-058/AHE Respondent failed to appear Lanphear NOV sustained 8/10/93 8/13/93
Birchwood Realty, Inc. 93-001/AHA RIGL § 23-18.9-9; Birchwood Realty, Inc. v. Grant; Ocean Road Partners v. State of Rhode Island Baffoni Governing law determined 3/31/94 4/5/94
Michael Marra 93-016/AHE RIGL §§ 23-19.1-4(3) & 23-19.1-10(a); Hazardous Waste Regs. §§ 3.19, 5.01, 5.03, 5.04, & 5.08 Lanphear NOV sustained 5/25/95 6/2/95
Daryl Johnson 93-028/AHE AAP Rule 8.00; In re: Edmund Guglielmi; In re: Cumberland Park Homes, Inc. Baffoni Appeal dismissed 9/8/93 9/13/93
Richie Construction Corp. 94-007/ARE R.I. R. Evid. 801(d)(2)(D) Lanphear NOV sustained 1/3/96 1/18/96
Rhody Rovers Motorcycle Club 99-001/FEA Rules and Regulations for the Control, Government and Use of Property Under the Care, Control or Custody of DEM; Newbay Corp. v. Annarummo Lanphear Appeal denied 2/26/99 3/1/99
Cotoia & Clean Cut Landscaping, Inc. 04-005/MM RIGL §§ 7-1.1-13(a), 42-17.1-2(u)(1), 42-17.1-2(u)(5), 42-17.6-4, & 42-17.7-9; Super. R. Civ. P. 4(e)(3); In re: Sembel Enterprises, Inc. McMahon Motion to dismiss granted 9/15/05 9/23/05
Mauricio Machado 06-001/ARE Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 10/23/06 10/26/06
Material Sampling Technologies, LLC 15-001/ARA
    (li)Rule 8.00(a)(1) Administrative Rules of Practice and Procedureli>
  • RI Civ. P.56(c) Motion for Summary Judgment
Kerins Appeal Denied, Department's Motion to Dismiss was Granted 9/16/15
Hone, Frederick T., Jr. 08-001/MM 42-17.6-6 and the Rules and Regulations for the Assessment of Administrative Penalties David Kerins Appeal is Denied and Dismissed and sustained   10/27/15
Decisions without AAD numbers
Case Name AAD No. (Key) Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Hearing Officer Decision Date Issued Final Date
Robert Frost Application 67-12-1 Definition of a marina versus a private dock Morin Appeal denied 2/20/86 2/20/86
City of Warwick and Warwick Sewer Authority NOV of 12 February 1986 RIGL § 46-12-5; RIPDES Regs. 14.02, 14.05, & 14.20(c) Lanphear NOV sustained 7/24/86 7/24/86
John Conti, Rose, & Richard Conti, and Mutual Motors, Inc. Freshwater Wetlands Apps. 4964 & 86-0017F and NOV C90-0089 1979 NOV Unknown NOV sustained but restoration stayed (decision unavailable) Unk. 9/24/87
Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 1.03(a), 1.03(b), 2.02, 5.03(c)(7), & 7.06(b) Lanphear Applications denied 5/26/88 5/26/88
Jurisdiction of AAD Lanphear Request to lift stay denied 4/1/94

RIGL §§ 2-1-21 & 2-1-24 McMahon NOV sustained 8/26/94 9/9/94
Central Landfill Rhode Island Solid Waste Management Corporation RIGL §§ 23-18.9-8.1 & 23-19-11; Solid Waste Regs. 6.03, 6.04(2), & 10.05(b)(1) Lanphear Permit granted with conditions 3/23/88 3/23/88
Conditions of March 23, 1988 decision Lanphear Request to revise conditions granted in part and denied in part 5/26/88 5/26/88
RIGL § 42-103-2; 1988 H.R. 8277 sub. A; 1988 S. 3068 sub. A Lanphear Conditions further revised 9/12/88 9/15/88
Paul Pimentel Freshwater Wetlands Enforcement C-2419 RIGL § 2-1-21 Southgate NOV sustained 6/3/88 6/6/88
Quonset Point/ Davisville Industrial Park Recovery Facility Rhode Island Solid Waste Management Corporation Solid Waste Regs. in general, but notably Operating Rules 7, 9, & 17, and Construction Rules 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, & 12 Grant License granted with conditions 10/3/88 10/3/88
RIGL §§ 23-19-11.1 & 42-17.1-2(j); DEM Practice & Procedure Rule 14.00-3(b) Grant Request to revise conditions granted in part and denied in part, but reversed and remanded in part by director 2/3/89 2/7/89
Air Pollution Control Regs. 7 Grant Conditions added to license 5/18/89 5/18/89
Clean Air Act; 40 CFR § 60.58a(a); Air Pollution Control Regs. 7 & 9 McMahon Conditions further revised 1/15/93 1/27/93
Wings Financial Marketing Corp. Freshwater Wetlands App. 87-0276F RIGL §§ 2-1-18 & 2-1-19 Baffoni Application denied 10/13/89 10/13/89
Alice I. Wheeler Freshwater Wetlands App. 87-0704F RIGL §§ 2-1-18, 2-1-19, 2-1-20, & 2-1-24(a); Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 1.03(a), 1.03(b), 2.02, 5.03(c), 7.02, 7.03, 7.06(a), & 7.06(b) Grant Application denied 10/30/89 10/31/89
John & Joananne Marshall Freshwater Wetlands App. 5017F RIGL §§ 2-1-18 & 2-1-19 Director Application approved in part by director (hearing officer opinion unavailable) Unk. 4/6/90
Ferland Corporation and Village Park Partnership II Freshwater Wetlands Apps. 87-0160F & 88-0709F RIGL § 2-1-19; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(b), 5.03(c)(6), & 5.03(c)(7) Sullivan Application granted with conditions 4/17/90 Unk.
RIGL § 2-1-22(d); Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 8.01(a); condition attached to permit Director Petition to strike condition denied, but deadline extended

Robert Zanella Freshwater Wetlands App. 88-0072F RIGL §§ 2-1-18 & 2-1-19; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 1.00, 5.03(b), & 5.03(c) Baffoni Permit granted with conditions 5/3/90 5/4/90
Richard Bzdyra Freshwater Wetlands Apps. 88-0126F, 88-0127F, & 88-0128F RIGL §§ 2-1-21, 2-1-24(a), & 2-1-27(a); Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(b), 5.03(c) & 7.06(b); Siravo v. Bendick Grant Applications denied

Harold Large III Freshwater Wetlands App. 89-0140F RIGL §§ 2-1-18 & 2-1-19; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(c)(7) & 7.06(b) Byrnes Application granted with conditions 10/1/90 10/1/90
Environmental Scientific Corp. and Westerly Plaza Phase II Freshwater Wetlands App. 87-0557F RIGL §§ 2-1-18 & 2-1-24(a); Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(c)(4)–(7), & 7.06(b); Water Pollution Control Regs. 7.2 Clifton Application denied by director (hearing officer opinion unavailable) 8/22/90 11/2/90
Michael Cullen Freshwater Wetlands App. 87-0966F Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(b), 5.03(c)(7), & 7.06(b) Baffoni Application granted 10/16/90 11/5/90
Marcia Grant ISDS App. 8823-28 ISDS Regs. 10.01, 10.02, & 15.02 McMahon Application denied 11/1/90 11/5/90
Kambiz Karbassi Freshwater Wetlands Apps. 89-0047F & 89-0048F Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(c)(5), 5.03(c)(7), & 7.06(b); Downing Corp. v. Bendick Byrnes Application denied, and affirmed by director with interpretation 9/24/90 11/20/90
Roy O. Dubs Freshwater Wetlands App. 87-0973F Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(b), 5.03(c)(7), & 7.06(b) Baffoni Application denied 11/16/90 11/21/90
Richard Conti Freshwater Wetlands App. 89-0257F Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(c)(2) & 7.06(b); Pointer v. Texas; State v. Raposa; Super R. Civ. P. 41(b)(2) Byrnes Application denied 12/21/90 12/24/90
Peter L. Ryan with David R. Emond Freshwater Wetlands App. 88-0560F Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(c)(2), 5.03(c)(7), & 7.06(b) Baffoni Application denied 12/7/90 12/26/90
Robert Votolato Freshwater Wetlands App. 89-0848F State v. Corcoran; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(c), 7.06(b) & 11.02 Byrnes Application denied 1/15/91 1/15/91
Bleach Avenue Corp. Freshwater Wetlands App. 87-0778F Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03 & 7.06(b) Baffoni Application denied 1/4/91 1/18/91
Moorehead Brothers, Inc. Freshwater Wetlands App. 88-0932F Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(c) & 7.06(b); Wetlands Crossing Policy; In re: Alice Wheeler Lanphear Application approved as revised 2/20/91 2/22/91
Richard Alegria Freshwater Wetlands App. 88-0894F RIGL § 2-1-21; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(c)(2), 7.06(a), & 7.06(b) McMahon Application denied 2/27/91 3/2/91
Bettez Constr. Co. & Bettez Recycling, Inc. NOV SW 90-11 RIGL §§ 23-18.9-5 & 23-18.9-7; Solid Waste Regs. 3.50 & 5.01 Baffoni NOV sustained 2/14/91 3/5/91
David Bamber Freshwater Wetlands App. 89-0334F Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(c)(2), 5.03(c)(7), & 7.06(b) Baffoni Application denied 3/6/91 3/8/91
Thomas S. Christensen ISDS App. 8813-148 ISDS Regs. 15.02; Gara Realty v. Zoning Board of Review Sullivan Application denied 3/8/91 3/8/91
Profile Construction Company Freshwater Wetlands App. 89-0555F Gryguc v. Bendick; In re: Kambiz Karbassi; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03 & 7.06 Director Application denied by director (hearing officer ruling unavailable)

Profile Constr. Co. v. DEM; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(c)(6), 5.03(c)(7), & 7.06 Director Application denied again upon remand from Superior Court

Manuel Rezendes Freshwater Wetlands App. 85-0400F Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03 Clifton Application denied 4/2/91 4/4/91
Bernard Nordin Freshwater Wetlands App. 88-0557F Applicant failed to appear Lanphear Appeal dismissed 4/18/91 4/19/91
Riverside Mills & Barry Lewis NOV ERB 90-08 Respondent failed to appear Baffoni Appeal dismissed 5/1/91 5/2/91
C.E. Ryder Corp. Unknown NOV Respondent failed to appear Lanphear Appeal dismissed 5/6/91 5/7/91
Rudolph Desautels NOV C-1737 Respondent failed to appear McMahon Appeal dismissed 5/16/91 5/16/91
Dennis Grillo Freshwater Wetlands App. 87-0527F Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(c)(7) & 7.06(b); Downing Corp. v. Bendick; In re: Alice Wheeler; In re: Moorehead Bros., Inc. Lanphear Application denied 6/18/91 6/20/91
North American Broadcasting ERB #91-11 RIGL § 42-17.1-2(u); Mauricio v. Zoning Bd. of Review of City of Pawtucket Lanphear Request for hearing dismissed 6/25/91 6/26/91
Bruce T. Cunard and ROW Acquisition, Inc., dba Reliable Shellfish N/A RIGL § 42-17.7-5; La Petite Auberge v. R.I. Comm'n for Human Rights; Davis v. Wood; Bowen v. Hackett Lanphear Motion to recuse denied 7/14/91 7/17/91
Itrot Realty Freshwater Wetlands Enforcement C-1208 RIGL § 42-17.1-2(u); In re: North American Broadcasting Lanphear Appeal dismissed 7/21/91 7/30/91
Warren J. & David W. Sloat, Joseph A. Lavendusky, and Nicholas McCormick Freshwater Wetlands App. 87-1042F RIGL §§ 2-1-18 & 2-1-19; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(c)(7) & 7.06(b) Clifton Application denied 7/23/91 8/2/91
Robert and Deborah Booth Freshwater Wetlands App. 88-0325F RIGL §§ 2-1-18 & 2-1-19; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(c)(7) & 7.06(b); In re: Profile Constr. Co; In re: Kambiz Karbassi McMahon Application granted with conditions, but reversed by director 7/17/91 8/8/91
Blackstone Valley District Commission RIPDES Permit No. R.I. 0100072 Combined Sewer Overflow Policy; RIPDES Regs.; permit compliance scheduling Lanphear Appeal of Save the Bay denied 8/14/91 8/20/91
John Strafach ISDS App. 8936-187 ISDS Regs. 3.05, 21.01(b), & 21.01(d) Byrnes Application denied 9/5/91 9/9/91
Frank and Robert Howard NOV C90-0136 Respondents failed to appear McMahon NOV sustained 9/9/91 9/9/91
Eugene Alvernaz NOV C89-0142 Respondent failed to appear McMahon NOV sustained 11/27/91 11/28/91
National Velour NOV of 5 June 1990; 90-15-AP RIGL §§ 23-23-6, 23-23-14, & 42-17.6-2; Air Pollution Control Regs. 19.3 & 19.5 Lanphear NOV sustained 12/11/91 12/15/91
National Velour Corp. v. Durfee; In re: DTP, Inc.; RIGL § 42-17.6-4(a) Lanphear Penalty instructions issued 3/12/96

James and Scott Fraza Freshwater Wetlands App. 90-0140 Principles of summary judgment; stipulated facts Byrnes Appeal dismissed 12/30/91 12/31/91
Joseph Cinquegrano NOVs C-1355 & C-1390 Respondent failed to appear Baffoni NOVs sustained 1/21/92 1/21/92
Frederick W. and Louisa G. Williams NOV C-2771 RIGL §§ 2-1-21 & 42-17.6-4(a); State v. A. Capuano Bros., Inc; state v. Distante; AAD Rule 15.00(o) Baffoni NOV dismissed, but reversed and remanded by director 1/17/92 1/31/92
RIGL §§ 2-1-23, 2-1-24, & 42-17.1-2(v)(ii); Penalty Regs. §§ 9 & 11 Baffoni NOV and penalty sustained, and affirmed by director 2/13/92 2/17/92
Charles Greene, Sr., D'Ambra Constr. Co., and RIDOT NOVs C-2335, C-2299, & C-2331 Gagnon v. State; Forecaster of Boston, Inc. v. Woonsocket Sponging Co. McMahon RIDOT's motion to dismiss denied 2/18/92

Justin Parrillo NOV C89-0144 RIGL §§ 2-1-20 & 2-1-21; Conklin Limestone v. DEM; Sarter v. Arkansas Gas Corp. Baffoni Respondent found liable on MSJ 3/17/92 3/19/92
Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(c); ISDS Regs. 2.16 Baffoni NOV and penalty sustained 8/28/92 9/4/92
John Huling, Sr. NOV C89-0168 RIGL § 42-17.7-8; AAD Rules 2.00 & 5.00 McMahon Motion for sanctions denied 3/23/92

Truk-Away of R.I., Inc. NOV of 9 March 1987 RIGL § 42-35-9(b)(4); 40 CFR § 261; Hazardous Waste Regs. § 3.25; Providence Gas Co. v. Burke; Egan v. Bendick; notice requirements Byrnes NOV dismissed, but amended by director 7/8/91 4/8/92
RIGL §§ 23-19.1-16, 23-19.1-22(a), 42-17.1-2(v), 42-17.6-2, 42-9-2, & 42-93-3; AAD Rule 19.00 Byrnes Litigation expenses awarded 8/6/93

Stephen Fuoroli NOV C90-0082 RIGL § 2-1-23; In re: John Huling, Sr.; In re: John Travassos; In re: Richard and Anita Ally McMahon Intervenor's request to remove NOV denied 4/20/92

Jose Arruda NOV C-2423 RIGL § 42-17.7-5 Lanphear Division allowed to amend pre­hearing memo 4/27/92

Thomas D. Goodman NOV IS 90-31 Respondent failed to appear Byrnes NOV sustained 5/7/92 5/8/92
Antonelli Plating NOV 89-23-AP RIGL §§ 23-23-6, 23-23-8, 42-17.1-2(u), 42-17.6-3, & 42-17.6-6; Penalty Regs. §§ 9, 10(b), 11, & Penalty Matrix; Air Pollution Control Regs. 18.2 & 18.3 McMahon NOV sustained with amendments 5/15/92 5/20/92
Mafalda Mura NOV C90-0109 RIGL § 42-17.7-2; Shawmut Bank of R.I. v. Rosciti Constr., Inc. Byrnes Motion to require third party to file answer denied 5/21/92

Steven L. Hamel NOV C90-0090 Applicant failed to appear Baffoni NOV sustained 5/26/92 5/27/92
Elizabeth Laliberte NOV C90-0114 Super. R. Civ. P. 37; State v. Corcoran Byrnes State's motions to compel and dismiss denied 5/29/92

Henry Palazzo NOV C90-0031 RIGL §§ 42-17.6-7 & 42-17.7-2; Bowen v. Hackett Byrnes Motion to dismiss denied 5/29/92

Thomas J. Hebert NOV C90-0200 AAD Rule 12.00(a); Super. R. Civ. P. 33, 34(a)(1), & 34(b) Lanphear Motion to compel production denied 7/19/92

Mitchell J. & Tammie J. Parkhurst NOV C90-0165 AAD Rule 8.00(a)(2) McMahon Respondents found liable on MSJ 7/14/92 7/20/92
Super. R. Civ. P. 60(b); Pari v. Pari; King v. Brown; Greco v. Safeco Ins. Co. McMahon Prior MSJ vacated 2/26/93 3/3/93
RIGL §§ 21-2-1, 21-2-3, 42-17.6-6, 42-17.7-6, & 42-35-15; In re: Michael Parrilla; Corrigan v. DEM; Lerner v. Gill; Hyszko v. Barbour; laches McMahon NOV sustained (with director note) 12/13/93 12/24/93
Smithfield Venture & R.I. Central Credit Union Freshwater Wetlands App. 86-0449F Applicant failed to appear McMahon Division's motion to dismiss granted 8/3/92 8/14/92
Naval Education & Training Center NOV of 23 October 1990 Division failed to appear; RIGL § 42-17.7-6; AAD Rule 16.00(b); Super. R. Civ. P. 54 McMahon Division's motion to stay denied 10/13/92 10/19/92
Peter Marte NOV C90-0182 AAD Rule 12; DEM Rule 12 Interpretation; Super. R. Civ. P. 26(b) & 34 McMahon Respondent's motion to compel mostly sustained 12/30/92

Town of Westerly NOV GW 90-10-T Respondent failed to appear Lanphear NOV sustained 1/8/93 1/12/93
James Corrigan NOV C-2621 RIGL §§ 2-1-21(a) & 2-1-24(a); J.M. Mills, Inc. v. Murphy; Profile Constr. Co. v. DEM; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 3.05 Byrnes Penalty upheld, but respondent allowed to file "after the fact" application; latter portion reversed by director 2/8/93 2/25/93
Joseph Iaciofano NOV C-2623 RIGL §§ 2-1-21(a), 2-1-23, & 2-1-24(a); Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 2.02; Wood v. Davis Baffoni NOV sustained 3/1/93 3/5/93
Kickemuit Klose, Inc. Freshwater Wetlands Enforcement C-2494 Respondent failed to appear Lanphear NOV sustained 6/4/93 6/8/93
Cornell Enterprises (aka Abb Labs, Inc.) and Lee & Richard Abbott NOV ERB 91-09 RIGL §§ 23-19.1-4(3), 23-19.1-4(9), & 23-19.1-10(a); 40 CFR §§ 69.11, 262.12, 262.34(b), 264.173, & 264.175; Hazardous Waste Regs. §§ 3.24, 3.25, 3.50, 5.01–5.04, 5.08, 5.10, & 7.01A Byrnes NOV sustained 8/6/93 8/11/93
General Properties N/A RIGL § 46-12-5; Oil Pollution Control Regs. 11(e); chain of custody; preponderance of evidence McMahon NOV sustained in part and dismissed in part, but amended by director 7/7/93 8/13/93
DTP, Inc. UST NOV #726 Super. R. Civ. P. 15(a) & 15(d); Inleasing Corp. v. Jessup Byrnes Request to amend granted; corrected NOV ordered 3/17/93

UST Regs. 10.05(B), 10.06, 10.07, 10.08(H), & 10.13; 1985 UST Regs. 9(a), 9(c)–(f), & 15; In re: Barbara D'Allesandro; effective date of penalty regulations Byrnes NOV sustained, but remanded to recalculate penalty 5/1/95 4/8/96
1987 & 1992 Penalty Regs.; Water Pollution Control Penalty Matrix; Administrative Penalty Worksheets Byrnes Penalties reduced (affirmed by director) 12/5/95 4/8/96
W. Albert Martin & Helene C. Martin Freshwater Wetlands App. 87-0440F RIGL §§ 2-1-18 & 2-1-19; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 1.00 Sullivan NOV sustained Copy is undated & unsigned
[3] These decisions were generally decided by AAD, but arose from applications or enforcement actions initiated prior to AAD's commencement of operations on June 18, 1990.
Declaratory Judgments
Case Name AAD or Application No. Statutes, Regulations, or Cases Addressed Decision Date
Newbay Corp. RIPDES App. 0021750 Permit condition I.A.6; RIPDES Regs. Rule 49; use of baseline studies Request for hearing granted 12/3/90
James Romanella & Sons, Inc. Freshwater Wetlands Apps. 4053 & 86-696F RIGL § 2-1-22(d); 1981 decision and order; prior permit mooting current application Permit conditional on satisfying 1981 decision and order 4/18/91
Rule 12 Statement of Interpretation

AAD Rule 12.00(a); Super. R. Civ. P. 34 Superior Court discovery rules generally apply 4/30/91
City of Warwick re: T.F. Green State Airport Truk-Away Landfill

RIGL § 42-17.7-6; concurrent proceedings Petition for declaratory ruling denied 7/23/91
Airport Landfill 91-001/AHA RIGL §§ 2-1-22, 42-35-1(f), & 42-35-15(a); Solid Waste Regs. 16.01 & 16.02; Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 4.02 & 4.03; Citizens for Preservation of Waterman Lake v. Davis; In re: Moorehead Bros., Inc. Petition for declaratory ruling denied (written by Baffoni) 10/15/91
Environmental Scientific Corp. & John Travassos RIPDES App. RI 0021750 Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 5.03(c) DEM can find alteration unnecessary 3/20/92
Lake Wionkhiege Improvement Ass'n Freshwater Wetlands App. 91-0154F Freshwater Wetlands Regs. 2.03 All owners of an affected wetland must sign application, not just subject property 3/23/92
Birchwood Realty, Inc. 93-001/AHA Consolidation of issues, separation of issues, and timing of appeals from hearing officers to director Petition for declaratory ruling dismissed without prejudice 1/21/94

DEM Practice & Procedure Rule 18.00; Lamb v. Perry; Lombardi v. Goodyear Loan Co.; Berberian v. Travisano Petition for declaratory ruling denied (written by Lanphear) 3/13/95
Arpad Merva

RIGL § 42-35-8; Lombardi v. Goodyear Loan Co.; Berberian v. Travisano Petition for declaratory ruling denied (written by Baffoni) 9/13/95
Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corp.

Air Pollution Control Reg. 9 Petition for declaratory ruling denied; matter sent back to OAR 6/15/00
Heath Managment Co. re: Bonnet Shores Beach Club Related to 04-013/ISA RIGL § 34-36.1-2.10 & 34-36-3(18); ISDS Regs. 1.00 Petition for declaratory ruling denied (written by Lanphear) 5/24/04
Pond View Recycling, Inc. 03-001/WMA RIGL § 42-17.7-8; AAD Rule 6.00 Witness-employee ordered to answer the question presented 6/14/05
VASG re: DVI, LLC & Dowling Village Project Freshwater Wetlands App. 07-0236 AAD Rule 6.00(c)(4); Water Quality Regs. and antidegradation provisions Project must abide by antidegradation provisions and obtain RIPDES permit 11/20/09
VASG re: RIPDES MS4 permit

RIGL §§ 42-35-1(4), 42-35-1(8), 42-35-1(10), & 42-35-8; AAD Rule 6.00(a) Petition for declaratory ruling denied 5/2/14