Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loans
The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) is co-managed by the RI Infrastructure Bank & Office of Water Resources and provides below market rate financing for a wide array of water pollution abatement projects — from traditional sewers and sewage treatment projects, to landfill closures, community septic system repair programs and stormwater treatment or mitigation projects, as well as riverbank and estuarine restoration projects, including salt marsh restorations. Alternative energy and water efficiency projects that benefit a water pollution treatment facility are CWSRF eligible, along with projects that make wastewater infrastructure more resilient to the effects of climate change. Also, open space acquisitions with a water quality nexus are eligible for financing.
Project Priority List
A Project Priority List (PPL) is prepared annually as a ranking of a wide range of water pollution abatement projects proposed by municipalities and other eligible persons. Inclusion in the PPL is a prerequisite for receiving financial assistance from the CWSRF as made available through the RI Infrastructure Bank. The listed project costs are estimates and subject to change based on confirmation of eligibility through the CWSRF program and other related information.
For more information email:
Jenny Paquet (
Public Notices
The annual solicitation for the CWSRF Project Priority List is now open.
Projects must be listed on the Project Priority List in order to later seek a Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan during State Fiscal Year 2026
For details, please refer to the CWSRF 2026 PPL Solicitation Announcement Letter below:
Please submit your requests for inclusion on the FY 2026 PPL using the appropriate form for the type of project.
Send your completed forms to no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, March 28, 2025.
CWSRF Intended Use Plan
The RI CWSRF program is authorized by the Clean Water Act and is capitalized with funds from the federal government, plus a required 20% match of funds from the state. Each year, the CWSRF program must submit a plan to the US EPA discussing how the program intends to apply that year’s funding on projects that address the state’s highest priority water quality needs. This ‘Intended Use Plan,’ or IUP, includes a list of projects from the PPL, short- and long-term goals of the program, how the funds would be distributed, information on the activities to be supported, and how the program will meet certain specific requirements pertaining to the management and use of the funds. This IUP is posted for public comment and review after the notice period for the PPL.
Primary Resources
- RI Infrastructure Bank
- Rules and Regulations for State Revolving Fund (SRF) Program for Water Pollution Abatement Projects (250-RICR-150-20-1)
- Rules and Regulations for the Priority Determination System for Federal and State Assistance to Local Governmental Units for Construction of Water Pollution Abatement Projects (250-RICR-150-20-2)