Pet Care
These three simple steps provide ways to reduce stormwater pollution that originates from pets, livestock, and wild animals.
Scoop The Poop, Then Trash It

When you’re out on a walk, picking up after your pet is easy, if you’re prepared.
- Carry a plastic bag with you on every walk. There are even compact, refillable bag dispensers (such as Bags on Board®) that you can attach directly to your dog’s leash.
- Once you’ve collected your dog’s waste in the plastic bag, throw it in the trash, never into a storm drain!
- Some parks and recreational areas have courtesy bags and disposal boxes, designed specifically for dog waste. Ask your town to install one in the park you like to visit with your pooch.
The RI Department of Health’s Scoop the Poop Campaign has more recommendations for continued learning.
Pick Up At Home
While it’s common courtesy to pick up after your dog when you go on walks, it’s also a good idea to pick up at home.
- Regularly scoop the poop from your yard and place it in the garbage. Wastes from dogs, cats, and other meat-eating animals should not be placed in a compost pile.
- The University of Rhode Island Healthy Landscapes: Managing Livestock on Small Acreage website offers more guidance for the barnyard and manure management of large animals.
Don’t Feed Waterfowl
While ducks, geese, and swans love to eat the bread we offer them, it lacks the nutrition of their natural diet and has damaging impacts for local waters.
- Encourage children to be naturalists, observing and taking photos of the birds, instead of feeding them.
- Spread the word when you see others feeding waterfowl.
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Division of Fish & Wildlife “Feeding Waterfowl is Harmful” brochure contains more information about the dangers of feeding waterfowl.