Wastewater Treatment Facilities (WWTF)
Nineteen major wastewater treatment facilities in Rhode Island purify some 100 million gallons of human and industrial sewage every day. Hundreds of miles of sewer lines – from a few inches to 9 feet in diameter – and hundreds of publicly and privately owned pumping stations add up to a sizable investment in clean water, most of which is the responsibility of Rhode Island's cities and towns. DEM's Wastewater Treatment Facilities Program regulates this infrastructure through two programs:
- The Planning & Design program provides reviews and approvals of wastewater facility plans and issues Orders of Approval for design plans and specifications for the construction of wastewater treatment plants and wastewater collection systems to ensure adequate and effective transport and treatment.
- The Operation & Maintenance program inspects and monitors wastewater treatment facilities and collection systems to ensure compliance with permit requirements. This program approves and enforces operation and maintenance manuals, and reviews operational failures that result in violations. This program is also responsible for issuing approvals for the disposal, utilization, and transportation of wastewater sludge, as well as performing inspections to ensure that the sludge is being managed in the manner approved.
- More information on these activities can be found in the Rules and Regulations for the Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Facilities (250-RICR-150-10-4) and the Rules and Regulations for Sewage Sludge Management (250-RICR-150-10-3).
- For your convenience we have created a listing of Wastewater Facilities and their contacts.
The O&M program also supports Rhode Island’s wastewater operator certification program, providing training and assistance to wastewater personnel.
For more information on Operation and Maintenance contact: Matt Puglia, 401-537-4153.
For more information on sludge disposal and beneficial reuse, contact: Jack Segal, 401-537-4168.
Primary Resources
Operation Certification Resources:
- Wastewater Treatment Facility Operators Regulations
- Board of Certification of Operators of Wastewater Treatment Facilities