Urban and Community Forestry Program

Now accepting applications for the Tree Equity RI Grant Program and the Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program.

Urban and community forests are the trees, plants, and associated ecosystems located where people are - country roads, new developments, small towns or large cities.

While the goals of traditional forest management and urban forestry may be similar: to grow, harvest, and replant trees that are suitable for their location; the products from that management are quite different. Products from traditional forestry and silviculture are wood, building materials, paper and more, created from the trees grown in forests. The main products from urban forestry are trees that are healthy, live long, and are structurally sound, and the associated benefits created by trees that are growing in and around people and their infrastructure.

Questions? Contact DEM Division of Forest Environment's Urban and Community Forestry Program Coordinator Robert Allard, 401-537-4067.

The Urban and Community Forestry Program supports urban forestry in Rhode Island by

  • Administering a cost-share federal grant program for municipalities, local governments, non-profits, educational groups and schools
  • Providing technical and/or educational assistance regarding:
    - Community forest inventories, management plans, and tree ordinances
    - Grant project applications and implementation
    Tree City USA, Tree Campus USA and Tree Line USA designations
    - Workshops for green industry professionals and Tree Wardens
    RI Arborist licensing
  • Supporting and partnering with the RI Tree Council to provide RI residents, civic and volunteer organizations and educational institutions with information and education about trees, as well as planting and maintenance, species selection information


Tools to calculate your tree benefits:

Tools to calculate your community forest benefits: