Pollinator Working Group

Rev. 1/4/18
The Working Group to Make Findings and Recommendations with Regard to Maintaining, Protecting and Enhancing Pollinator Habitat and Health in Rhode Island, or Pollinator Working Group, was enacted by Resolution of The General Assembly in January 2016. It has been charged with making findings and recommendations with regard to:
- Developments in the scientific and technical understanding of conditions and practices affecting pollinator population;
- Conditions and practices affecting the maintenance, protection, and enhancement of pollinator habitat and health in Rhode Island;
- Potential costs and benefits of changing such conditions and practices.
On February 15, 2017 the Pollinator Working Group submitted an initial report and recommendations based on its findings.
In 2017 the RI General Assembly passed a Resolution continuing the work of the Pollinator Working Group.
On February 15, 2018 The Pollinator Working Group submitted a second-year report and recommendations.
In 2018 the RI General Assembly again continued the Pollinator Working Group.
The PWG reports to the Director of RI DEM and the RI House of Representatives.
Next Meeting: Thursday, January 24, 4:00-6:00 PM
Meeting Dates
- January 24, 2019
- December 6, 2018
- November 15, 2018
- September 20, 2018
All meetings are from 4-6 PM at the NRCS conference room at 60 Quaker Lane in Warwick. Meetings may be subject to change but sufficient notification will be made. Each meeting includes discussion of recommendations and opportunity for public comments.
PWG Members
- Ken Ayars, RI Dept. Environmental Management, Div. Agriculture (Chair)
- Shannon Brawley, RI Nursery & Landscape Association
- David Brunetti, Environmental Council of RI
- Sara Churgin, Eastern RI Conservation District
- David Gregg, RI Natural History Survey
- Keith Salisbury, RI Beekepers Association
- Meg Kerr, Audubon Society of RI
- Robert Mann, Lawn Dawg
- Rafael Nightengale, Kaiser Tree Preservation
- Ken Payne, RI Ag Partnership
- Lyn Spinella, RI Farm Bureau
- Lisa Tewksbury, URI Plant Sciences, Bio-Control Lab
- Joel Tirrell, RI Nursery & Landscape Association
More Resources
- Agenda - December 6, 2018
- Agenda - September 20, 2018
- Agenda - January 11, 2018
- Agenda - December 7, 2017
- Agenda - November 2, 2017
- Agenda - October 5, 2017
- Agenda - September 7, 2017
- Agenda - March 2, 2017
- Agenda - February 9, 2017 (Canceled)
- Agenda - January 26, 2017
- Agenda - January 12, 2017
- Agenda - January 5, 2017
- Agenda - December 8, 2016
- Agenda - November 10, 2016
- Agenda - November 3, 2016
- Agenda - October 27, 2016
- Agenda - October 12, 2016
- Agenda - September 22, 2016
- Meeting Minutes - December 6, 2018 (Draft)
- Meeting Minutes - September 20, 2018 (Draft)
- Meeting Minutes - December 7, 2017 (Draft)
- Meeting Minutes - November 2, 2017
- Meeting Minutes - October 5, 2017
- Meeting Minutes - September 7, 2017
- Meeting Minutes - January 26, 2017
- Meeting Minutes - January 12, 2017
- Meeting Minutes - January 5, 2017
- Meeting Minutes - December 8, 2016
- Meeting Minutes - November 10, 2016
- Meeting Minutes - November 3, 2016
- Meeting Minutes - October 27, 2016
- Meeting Minutes - October 12, 2016
- Meeting Minutes - September 22, 2016
- North Dakota Pollinator Plan (ND Dept. of Agriculture)
- New York State Pollinator Protection Plan (NY Dept. of Environmental Conservation)
- The Wisconsin Pollinator Protection Plan
- RI Senate Resolution 2017 S-0982 Creating a Special Legislative Commission to Study Pesticide Control Regulations
- Regulation of Pesticides in Rhode Island: An Overview (Presentation, H. Cook, RIDEM)
- Pollinator Protection: Pesticide Stewardship and Best Management Practices (Presentation, F. Wong, Ph.D, Bayer)
- Risks to Bees from Pesticide Exposure: "If You've Seen One Bee, You've Not Seen Them All" (Presentation, N. Ostiguy, Ph.D., M.P.H., Penn State)
- Pollinators and Pesticide Stewardship: Protecting Pollinators on Farms and Urban Landscapes
- What To Expect During a Routine Use and Records Inspection (Presentation, H. Cook, RIDEM)
- Acelepryn Treatment for Birch Leafminers (Presentation, S. Alm)
- Best Management Practices for Farmers Using Seeds Treated With Neonicotinoids (K. Stoner, Conn. Ag. Experiment Station)
- Xerces Society: Working to protect invertebrates and their habitats
- A Citizen's Guide to Creating Pollinator Habitat in Connecticut (K. Stoner, Conn. Ag. Experiment Station)
- Roadside Best Management Practices that Benefit Pollinators (US DOT)
- Promoting Pollinator Health Through Stewardship & Habitat Enhancement (Presentation, C. Savinelli, Syngenta)
- Honeybees: Identification, Biology & Lifecycle (Presentation, D. Joslin)
- Beekeeping (Presentation, D. Joslin)
- University of Rhode Island Master Gardener Program Pollinator Education
- Rhode Island College Bee Education Center Presentation
- RI State Laws Pertaining to Apiculture (Compilation, D. Gregg)
- Rhode Island College Bee Survey update 1/15/2017 (G. Stilwell, RIC)
- Wild Pollinators of Rhode Island: Inventory, Status, Habitats (Presentation, D. Gregg, Ph.D)
- RI State Apiculture Laws (Compilation, D. Gregg)