Trees for Climate and Health
- Forest Environment
- Urban and Community Forestry Program
- Nature-based Solutions to Improve our Health/Environment
- Trees for Climate and Health
Trees for Climate and Health
We all need and want green space where we live and work, walk and play. Increasingly, research shows the benefits of trees for our health but research also shows that some neighborhoods have less access to green space and fewer trees in their neighborhoods. These neighborhoods can be identified on maps or by walking along treeless streets, often adjacent to (or divided by) highways or industrial areas. And they share other demographic similarities: low income, high number of renters, higher rates of respiratory problems and other chronic diseases, and exposure to heat extremes. These are costly, not only to the individuals who live under these conditions, but also to the community as a whole.
What is happening in Rhode Island:
American Forest’s Tree Equity Score Analyzer for Rhode Island provides a score (on a scale of 0-100) for entire municipalities, down to local neighborhoods. Scores are based on how much tree canopy cover and surface temperature align with income, employment race age and health factors. Prioritize areas, justify choices and show quantifiable change which can be used to communicate the benefits to community resident, policy-makers and funders.
In 2020, DEM Division of Forest Environment partnered with the RI Department of Health to carry out a Capa Strategies Heat Watch campaign, monitoring temperatures through the course of the day in Providence, East Providence, Pawtucket and Central Falls.
We have used the data to explore some of the sources and impacts of extreme heat in Rhode Island:
- Check out our *NEW* interactive story map: Explore the Rhode Island Tree Canopy and Benefits
- Climate Change, Urban Heat Islands and Tree Canopy in Rhode Island
- Advanced GIS & Spatial Analysis 2021 Final Project by Caroline Hoffman*: Inside the Urban Melting Pot: Exploring the Effects of Redlining and Greenspace on Heat Distribution in Providence, Rhode Island * Ms. Hoffman also developed the maps used here and created the story map
- Explore the changes in temperatures and heat indices throughout the day; collected at: 6-7 am, 3-4 pm, 7-8 pm and 12 pm-1 am
RI Department of Health has identified nine Health Equity Zones (HEZ) as a way to prioritize and address the inequities that affect multiple communities across the state. Rhode Island is the first in the nation to adopt this approach of sustainable investments with flexible funding at the statewide level.
In 2021, American Forests awarded a $100,000 Tree Planting for Climate Resilience and Human Health grant to the Pawtucket and Central Falls HEZ to expand tree cover in low canopy neighborhoods.
Climate change is an issue that can seem overwhelming. And the effects of climate change on the environment, human health, and quality of life are complex and intertwined. Below are resources and information that address climate change on the local, state and national level:
- State of Rhode Island Climate Change website
- DEM Strategic Plan: Acting on Climate Change
- Vibrant Cities: Climate & Health Action Guide
- Climate Change Response Network
- Climate Change Pressures in the 21st Century
- Climate Change Projections for Individual Tree Species
- Climate and Health Species List
Quick Links
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- Regulations
- Operations Study and Assessment of Land Stewardship Program
- Forestry Staff