Course Schedules - Hunter & Bowhunter
Online Hunter Education Courses & In-Person Testing
In order to complete the online Rhode Island hunter and bowhunter education requirements, you must pass both the online training and an In-Person Exam. Testing is only available to students who have completed Rhode Island’s online hunter education course or online bowhunter education course within the past one year. You must contact and schedule an appointment with one of the instructors from the In-Person Testing Schedule.
About In-Person TestingHunter & Bowhunter Education Courses
This list is updated regularly so please check back for additional class options
Pre-Registration with the instructor is required unless otherwise noted.
All In-person courses are free of charge.
Please email with any questions.
Handicapped Accessibility
Free Public Archery Lessons
Narragansett Bow Hunters - Monday Night Archery Lessons
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