Bowhunter Education

Bowhunter Education Course Description
Rhode Island law states that no license to hunt shall be issued to any person unless that person has held a license in a prior year or unless that person presents a hunter education card issued by Rhode Island or under an equivalent hunter safety program adopted by any other state. Persons who are serving in or have been honorably discharged from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps or Coast Guard are exempt from the hunter education requirement.
A previous Rhode Island bowhunter license or a bowhunter education certificate/card from any state is required for those individuals who wish to hunt using archery gear. Those individuals who intend to hunt exclusively with bow and arrow may obtain an "Archery Only" license by completing a bowhunter education course. Those individuals who wish to hunt with firearms, AND archery gear must complete both courses.
Through a blend of classroom, and hands on instruction participants will learn…
• Archery Safety: Understanding the proper use of archery equipment, handling and storage to prevent accidents and injuries.
• Hunting Ethics and Responsibilities: Emphasizing respect for wildlife, landowners, and other hunters, as well as ensuring sustainable and humane hunting practices.
• Wildlife Conservation: The importance of wildlife management, preserving habitats, and maintaining healthy ecosystems for future generations.
• Legal and Ethical Considerations: Knowledge of local, state, and federal hunting regulations, as well as responsible hunting practices that support the conservation of wildlife populations.
The course is ideal for beginners, new bowhunters, and anyone seeking to refresh or expand their knowledge of safe and responsible bowhunting practices. Participants under the age of 16 or those who cannot transport themselves, must have an adult or legal guardian with them for the class duration. To legally bow hunt in Rhode Island, you must be at least 12 years old.
Upon successful completion and passing a final exam, consisting of 50 questions multiple choice and true and false. Participants will receive a Bowhunter Safety Education certification, which is required to purchase a bowhunting license in the state of Rhode Island.
This class encourages not only safety and skill but also a lifelong appreciation of nature and the outdoors.