Licensed Rhode Island Arborists

Rhode Island requires that all practitioners of arboriculture be licensed. The Urban and Community Forestry Coordinator oversees the licensing and exams for arborists working in RI. This includes all Tree Wardens, as defined in RI General Law § 2-14. In 2019 there were more than 700 arborists licensed in RI.

Please note: This list is provided for information only and inclusion on this list does not constitute endorsement by DFE of any individual licensed arborist. List data may be incomplete as recently licensed individuals may be missing from the list. The State of Rhode Island requires that all practitioners of arboriculture be licensed by DEM, and that the licenses be renewed annually.

Please note: Below is a list of companies that are known to employ RI licensed arborists. This list is provided as a courtesy and may be incomplete; inclusion or exclusion on this list is not to be considered as an endorsement or disapproval by DFE. The Department licenses individuals, not companies. Before hiring an arborist, you should ask them to verify that they have a current license. The licensed individual must be onsite when arboriculture work is conducted.

The list is presented alphabetically by company name.

The list is presented alphabetically by state and then organization name.

Questions about license standing: contact Lou Allard, U&CF Program Coordinator at