Official State of Rhode Island website

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Environmental Data

Environmental Data, Data Quality Management, Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Project Plans

DEM is the repository of significant amounts of environmental data. This data provides information on the health of the water we use to drink, swim in and provides a home for the many aquatic species that call Rhode Island home. DEM also collects air quality data that monitors the air we breathe. DEM is also responsible for using scientific means to collect the data that is used in environmental decision-making. This web site is being developed to bring together information that is being collected by the department into one location.

Standard Operating Procedures
Bureau of Environmental Protection
Summary Guidance for Reviewing Environmental Monitoring Data
Policy for Considering Environmental Justice in the Review of Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Properties
Office of Land Revitalization & Sustainable Materials Management - Superfund Program
WM-SF-1- Standard Operating Procedure for Civil Surveying at the Rose Hill Landfill
WM-SF-2- Standard Operating Procedure for Surface Water, Leachate and Sediment Sampling at the Rose Hill Landfill
WM-SF-3- Standard Operating Procedure for Underground Utility Location at the Rose Hill Landfill, Rev. 4
WM-SF-4- Standard Operating Procedure for Soil Gas Survey and Evaluation at the Rose Hill Landfill, Rev. 1
WM-SF-5- Standard Operating Procedure for Visual-Manual Identification of Soil at the Rose Hill Landfill, Rev. 5, January 1997
WM-SF-6- Standard Operating Procedure for Test pitting and Soil Sampling at the Rose Hill Landfill, Rev. 3, January 1997
WM-SF-7- Standard Operating Procedure for Well Gauging Purging and Sampling at the Rose Hill Landfill, Rev. 5
WM-SF-8- Standard Operating Procedure for Disposal of Bailed Product at the Rose Hill Landfill, Rev. 4
WM-SF-9- Standard Operating Procedure for Well Rehabilitation at the Rose Hill Landfill, Rev. 1, January 1997
WM-SF-10- Standard Operating Procedure for Low Flow Purging and Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Water Samples from Monitoring Wells
WM-SF-11- Standard Operating Techniques - Drilling at Rose Hill Landfill
WM-SF-12- Standard Operating Techniques - Soil Gas Survey and Evaluation at Rose Hill Landfill
WM-SF-13- Standard Operating Techniques - Sampling of Surface Water and Water-Formed Deposits - Rose Hill Landfill
WM-SF-14- Standard Operating Procedure - Surface Water Sampling West Kingston Town Dump/URI
WM-SF-15- Standard Operating Procedure for Soil and Sediment Sampling- W. Kingston Town Dump/URI
WM-SF-16- Standard Operating Procedure for Equipment Decontamination- W. Kingston Dump/URI
WM-SF-17- Standard Operating Procedure for Soil and Sediment Sampling- W. Kingston Dump/URI
WM-SF-18- Standard Operating Procedure for Air Monitoring- W. Kingston Dump/URI
WM-SF-19- Standard Operating Procedure for Vapor Diffusion Sampling in Sediments (Volatile Organic Compounds)- W. Kingston Dump/URI
WM-SF-20- Standard Operating Procedure for Pore Water Sampling- W. Kingston Town Dump/URI
WM-SF-21- Standard Operating Procedure for Terrain Conductivity (Em-31) Method Sampling- W. Kingston Town Dump/URI
WM-SF-22- Standard Operating Procedure for Test Pit Sampling- W. Kingston Town Dump/URI
WM-SF-23- Standard Operating Procedure for Groundwater Sampling- W. Kingston Town Dump/URI
WM-SF-24- Standard Operating Procedure for Small Diameter Well Point Installation and Sampling- W. Kingston Town Dump/URI
WM-SF-25- Standard Operating Procedure for Seismic Refraction Method Sampling- W. Kingston Town Dump/URI
WM-SF-26- Standard Operating Procedure for Monitoring Well Installation- W. Kingston Town Dump/URI
WM-SF-27- Standard Operating Procedure for Hydraulic Conductivity Testing- W. Kingston Town Dump/URI
WM-SF-28- Standard Operating Procedure for Tap Water/Residential Well Groundwater Sampling- W. Kingston Town Dump/URI
WM-SF-29- Standard Operating Procedure for Preparation & Analysis of Dioxin and Furans Samples by USEPA Method 8290- W. Kingston Town Dump/URI
Office of Land Revitalization & Sustainable Materials Management - LUST Program
Standard Operating Procedure for Field Sampling
Office of Land Revitalization & Sustainable Materials Management - Site Remediation
WM-19- Chain of Custody Procedures
WM-4- Chip, Wipe, and Sweep Sampling
WM-16- Controlled Pumping Test
WM-2- Drum Sampling
WM-12- Groundwater Well Sampling
WM-14- Manual Water Level Measurement
WM-15- Monitor Well Development
WM-13- Monitoring Well Installation
WM-18- Photoionization Detector (PID) Hnu3
WM-21- Removal Program Representative Sampling Guidance-Volume 1 Soil 6
WM-22- Residential Well Sampling (for Chemical Analysis)- Field Sampling SOP
WM-1- Sampling Equipment Decontaimnation
WM-10- Sediment Sampling
WM-20- Site and Safety Considerations
WM-17- Slug Test
WM-7- Soil Gas Sampling
WM-6- Soil Sampling
WM-8- Soil Sampling and Surface Geophysics
WM-9- Surface Water Sampling
WM-3- Tank Sampling
WM-5- Waste Pile Sampling
Office of Water Resources
WR-W-01: Bacteria Field Sampling SOP
WR-W-02: Equipment Maintenance/Calibration - Current Meters - SOP
WR-W-03: Fecal Coliform Sample Collection SOP
WR-W-04: Field Data Sheet
WR-W-05: Measuring Stream Discharge- Field Sampling SOP
WR-W-06: Order of Activities - Sampling
SOP-WR-W-7: SOP for Secchi Disk Measurements
WR-W-08: Rapid Bioassessment Protocol For Use In Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Benthic Macroinvertebrates
WR-W-09: Measuring Culvert Stage & Flow-Field Sampling SOP
WR-W-10: Reading the Staff Gauge - Field Sampling SOP
WR-W-11: Hand-Dip Sampling for the Collection of Surface Water for the Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds
WR-W-12: Total Phosphorous Sample Collection SOP
WR-W-13: Installation and Operation of the Rainew Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge Field Sampling SOP
WR-W-14: Temperature, Specific Conductance, Dissolved Oxygen, Salinity Field Sampling SOP
WR-W-15: Chain of Custody Form - Watershed Watch
WR-W-16: Deep Ponds: Weekly and Biweekly Water Monitoring SOP
WR-W-17: Shallow Ponds: Weekly and Biweekly Monitoring SOP
WR-W-18: Shallow Ponds: Tri-season Water Monitoring and Collection SOP
WR-W-19: Deep Ponds: Tri-season Water Monitoring and Collection SOP
WR-W-20: Chlorophyll and Nutrients Sample Collection SOP
WR-W-21: Shellfish Growing Area Monitoring Program SOP
WR-W-22: Sampling Non-preserved Bottles
WR-W-23: Sampling Preserved Bottles
WR-W-24: Sampling Sediment TOC
WR-W-25: Field Procedures
WR-W-26: TMDL Photo SOP
WRR-W-27: User Fee Priority Pollutant Monitoring
WR-W-30: SOP for Water Column Profile � Lakes, Ponds, and Reservoirs
WR-W-31: SOP for Macrophyte Cover � Lakes, Ponds, and Reservoirs
WR-W-32: SOP for Bottle - Direct Water Samples- Lakes, Ponds, Reservoirs
WR-W-34: SOP for the Measurement of Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, Specific Conductance, pH and Nitrate Using a Handheld YSI Professional Plus Instrument
WR-W-35: SOP for Stream Canopy Measurements by Densiometer
WR-W-36: SOP for Measurement of Benthic Algae Cover by Viewing Bucket
WR-W-37: SOP for Collection of Benthic Algae from Natural and Artificial Substrates
WR-W-38: Standard Operating Procedure for the Collection of Ambient Water Samples From Streams
WR-W-45: SOP for Measurement of Substrate Size Distribution, Benthic Algae and Plant Cover by Modified Pebble Count
WR-W-46: SOP for Collection of Water Samples from Lakes, Ponds, and Reservoirs using a Van Dorn Sampler
WR-W-48: SOP Measurement of Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, Specific Conductance, and Salinity Using a Handheld YSI Model Pro2030 Instrument
WR-GNUWW-1: Sediment Sampling Plan for Dredging Projects
Quality Manager
OD-QM-1: Procedure for Developing and Approving SOPs
OD-QM-2: DEM Standard Operating Procedure for Developing QAPPs and SAPs
OD-QM-3: Draft Standard Operating Procedure for Developing and Approving Policies
OD-QM-4: Digital Photograph Record Collection and Storage SOP
OD-QM-5: Electronic Document PDF Submission Standard Operating Procedure
OD-QM-6: DEM Quality System Management Assessment SOP
Emergency Response
Quality Assurance Project Plans
QAPP Description Contact
Pesticide Sampling Elizabeth Lopes-Duguay
Pesticide Formulation And Residue & Dilution Sample Analysis Elizabeth Lopes-Duguay
Pesticides Enforcement Compliance Monitoring Program and Water Protection Monitoring Program Eugene Pepper
Technical & Customer Assistance
QAPP Description Contact
QAPP for Underground Storage Tanks Ron Gagnon
MS4 Site Construction Runoff Control Environmental Results Program QAPP Ron Gagnon
Auto Salvage Environmental Results Program QAPP Tom Armstrong
Air Resources
QAPP Description Contact
Criteria Pollutants Barbara Morin
Fine Particulate Matter (PM 2.5) Barbara Morin
Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Barbara Morin
Air Toxics Barbara Morin
RI Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program Quality Assurance Project Plan 11/22/23
Land Revitalization & Sustainable Materials Management
QAPP Description Contact
Office of Land Revitalization & Sustainable Materials Management - Quality Assurance Program Plan
CERCLA Program/DOD Program
State Site Investigation & Voluntary Clean-up Program
Superfund Pre-Remedial Program (Brownfields)
Solid Waste & Landfill Closure Program
Paul Kulpa
Kelly Owens
Cynthia Gianfrancesco
Robert Schmidt
Hazardous Waste Management Program Generic QAPP Laurie Grandchamp (OWM)/T. Tyrell (OCI)
Rose Hill Landfill QAPP Matthew Destefano
West Kingston Town Dump / URI Disposal Area QAPP Matthew Destefano
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program Generic Sofia Kaczor
Water Resources
QAPP Description Contact Approval Date
TMDL-Providence/Seekonk River, 1995 - 1996 Jane Sawyers 06/95
TMDL – Runnins River Dry Weather Bacteria and Coliphage, 1999 Jane Sawyers 1999
TMDL-Kickemuit Reservoir Nutrients and Pathogens, 2000 Jane Sawyers 2000
Woonasquatucket River metals and fecal coliform, 2001 Jane Sawyers 09/00
Saugatucket River Pathogens, 2000 Jane Sawyers 04/01
TMDL-Barrington/Palmer/Runnins Wet Weather Pathogens, 1998 Jane Sawyers 04/01
TMDL-Barrington and Runnins River Dry Weather Pathogens, 1998 - 1999 Jane Sawyers 04/01
303(d) Supplemental Monitoring, 1998-1999 Jane Sawyers 04/01
Narrow River Pathogens, 1999 - 2000 Jane Sawyers 04/01
Hunt River Pathogens, 1999 Jane Sawyers 04/01
Greenwich Bay Wet Weather Pathogens, 2000 - 2001 Jane Sawyers 05/01
Ninigret / Green Hill Ponds 1999-2000 Jane Sawyers 06/01
Greenwich Bay Nutrients 2000 - 2001 Jane Sawyers 06/01
Dry and Wet Weather Bacteriological Sampling - Green Hill Pond, Ninigret Pond, Factory Brook, and Teal Brook Jane Sawyers 06/01
Crooked Brook Jane Sawyers 06/01
Optical Brightening Study- Green Hill Pond, Ninigret Pond, Factory Brook, Teal Brook Jane Sawyers 06/01
Dry and Wet Weather Metals (Copper, Lead and Zinc) Water Quality Sampling of Indian Run Brook and Source, 2001 Jane Sawyers 06/01
Sands Pond Nutrients, 2001 Jane Sawyers 07/01
Mashapaug Pond Nutrients, 2001 - 2002 Jane Sawyers 07/01
TMDL-Barrington/Palmer/Warren Pathogens, 1996 including Belcher Stream - East, Wet Weather Jane Sawyers 09/01
Stafford Pond Follow-up Monitoring Ken Ayars, Jane Sawyers 10/01
Point Judith Pond Jane Sawyers 2001
RIDEM 2000 303(d) List of Impaired Waters Supplemental Monitoring Program (Groups 3 and 4) Jane Sawyers 02/02
Field Sampling of Alternative and Innovative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems George Loomis- URI 09/03

Ambient River Monitoring Program (2024)
Ambient River Monitoring Program (2010)

2011 Addendum
2012 Addendum
2013 Addendum
2014 Addendum

Jane Sawyers, DEM
Katie DeGoosh, DEM
Katie DeGoosh, DEM

Jane Sawyers, DEM



Ambient Water Quality Monitoring of RI Rivers-URI Dr. Ray Wright, URI
Jane Sawyers
Bacteria, Metals and Biodiversity Monitoring of the Blackstone River Skip Viator 02/05
Blackstone River Various, 2001 - 2003 Louis Berger Inc./
Jane Sawyers
Watershed Watch Analytical Lab Procedures Linda Green URI/
Jane Sawyers
Ambient Water Quality Monitoring of RI Lakes- URI Linda Green URI/
Jane Sawyers
Narragansett Bay Fixed-Site Monitoring Network (NBFSMN) Heather Stoffel/
Sue Kiernan
Surface Water Sampling in Newport's Nine Water Supply Reservoirs
FSOP1 (Field Standard Operating Procedures)
LSOP1 (Laboratory Standard Operating Procedures)
Sonde Deployment
Brian Zalewsky 05/15
Wet Weather Bacteriological Sampling - Mt. Hope Bay/Kickimuit Brian Zalewsky 04/06
Protection of Vulnerable Wetlands - Queen's River Watershed Carol Murphy 05/06
Buckeye Brook and Sources, Pathogens Skip Viator 09/06
Little Narragansett Bay and Pawcatuck River Bacteria Sampling Plan Heidi Travers 05/07
Ten Mile River Water Quality Sampling Plan Brian Zalewsky 06/07
Ten Mile River Project Overview Brian Zalewsky 06/07
Evaluating Outcomes - Permitting Carol Murphy 10/07
Nonpoint Source Grant Program QAPP Ernie Panciera 11/07
Taxonomic Identification of Benthic Macroinvertebrates- Biomonitoring for Wadeable Streams Jane Sawyers 03/08
RI Wadeable Streams Biomonitoring and Habitat Assessment Katie DeGoosh 02/15
Protecting Vernal Pools Carol Murphy 03/08
Buckeye Brook Biodiversity Skip Viator 07/08
Freshwater Wetland Monitoring Year 3 Carol Murphy 09/08
Biomonitoring of Rhode Island Non-wadeable Streams Katie DeGoosh 10/08
Bissel Cove Jane Sawyers 2008
Generic Lake Monitoring QAPP Jane Sawyers 08/11
Freshwater Numeric Nutrient Criteria Development Data Analysis Jane Sawyers 12/11
Surface Water Sampling in Upper and Lower Melville Ponds Jeffrey Flashinski 07/21
Mapping and Verification of Vernal Pools

Addendum: Mapping and Verification of Vernal Pools, Pilot 2
Carol Murphy 012/22 

Mapping of Potential Vernal Pools in RI Using a LiDAR Model and Photointerpretation, Pilot 2 Carol Murphy 01/24