Official State of Rhode Island website

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Host A Storm Drain Marking Event

Storm drains lead directly to local waters. No filters. No treatment.

Many people assume that stormwater flows down storm drains and then to a treatment facility. Unfortunately, that is almost never the case. Stormwater and any other pollutants- paint, motor oil, dog poop, leaves- entering a storm drain flow directly to the water we use to drink, fish, and swim. Nothing should be dumped, washed, or raked into a storm drain.

Marking storm drains is an excellent opportunity to make residents aware that whatever enters a storm drain goes directly to local waters, and storm drains are NOT a place to dispose of household chemicals, yard waste, or pet waste. Hopefully, if people are more careful about what enters storm drains, then water quality will be improved!

Ready to begin? We have all the materials you need to plan and implement a successful storm drain marking event in your community.