Teacher Resources And Materials

Lesson Plans
Lesson Plan: Understanding Nonpoint Pollution (Grades 4-6; 1-2 Class Periods)
Lesson Plan: Understanding Stormwater (Grades 4-6; 1 Class Period)
Lesson Plan: The Importance of Land Cover (Grades 9-12; 1-2 Class Periods)
Lesson Plan: Rain Gardens Slow Stormwater Flow (Grades 9-12; 1-2 Class Periods)
Classroom Activities And Games
Creating a Stormwater Poster:
The Stormwater Game (Versions for Grades K-3 and 4-8)-
Festival Game Ideas: Water Day Celebration Games
ACTIVE Watershed Curriculum:
- Effects of Land Use On The Watershed (Grades 4 -8 but adaptable for all grades)
- Introduction to Water Quality (Grades 4-8 but adaptable for all grades)
- Testing Out An Aquifer
Project WET – Water Education for Teachers
Background Information
What Is The Water Cycle; Where Does Water Go; RI Watersheds