2006 – 2011
We used a variety of methods to make Rhode Island residents aware of stormwater pollution and its solutions.
Spreading The Word With Statewide Stormwater Education
- We conducted a public awareness campaign using humorous ads on buses, at bus shelters, on the radio, and at popular recreation spots. (See our bus king below!)
- We created a website with stormwater resources and access to educational materials.
- We published a myriad of articles and cartoons through mass media outlets.
- We produced a series of educational resources for schools and incorporated stormwater topics into existing youth education programs.
More About Statewide Education And Outreach

Helping MS4s Reach Their Residents
- We created a comprehensive manual of public outreach and involvement strategies and materials for MS4s to use.
- We offered customized stormwater education and outreach strategies to any interested MS4, targeting pollutants of concern.
- We assisted with storm drain markings, rain garden installation and maintenance trainings, and Low Impact Development implementation projects.
More About Municipal Outreach
Building Stormwater Programs Through Ordinances, Policies, and Changes in Local Practices
- We developed a model ordinance for erosion and sediment control.
- We created a Low Impact Development (LID) database, showcasing stormwater-friendly best management practices around the state.
- We produced a rain garden training module to train professionals.
- We assisted in planning and implementing a stormwater utility district workshop series to support creation of municipal utility districts in RI.
More About Stormwater Policy and Practices
Conducting State, Municipal, and Private Sector Workshops
- We conducted more than 40 workshops and trainings.
- We compiled all workshop information and made it available online.
- We conducted evaluations of most workshops and summarized all data, which is also available online.
More About Workshops and Trainings
Progress Reports
All of our accomplishments are summarized on a yearly basis in official progress reports.