Commercial Marine License Information
Welcome to the information page for Rhode Island Commercial Marine Licensing. To renew your license or landing permit, complete the appropriate application form or visit the RIDEM Office of Boating and Registration located at 235 Promenade St., Providence, RI.
If you have any questions regarding the license and endorsement types, please read the information provided below. After reading the information, if you still have questions, you may contact DEM's Marine Fisheries Program at (401) 423-1923 (weekdays from 8:30 am - 4:00 pm).

2024 License Types and Endorsements
Please be advised Article 7 of the RI General Laws restructured commercial marine licenses and altered fees.
All CFL and PEL licenses and accompanying restricted and non-restricted species endorsements have been converted into Standard Fishing Licenses with either Limited or Unlimited fishery sector endorsements which allow the same fishing access as the previous license. An Unlimited fishery endorsement allows access to all allowable species within the sector for which it is applicable. A Limited fishery endorsement allows access to a limited suite of species within the sector for which it is applicable.
Please note the license year runs from January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024, with the renewal window period running from January 1, 2024, through Midnight on February 29, 2024 (for Resident and Nonresident Standard Fishing Licenses, Multi-Purpose, and Shellfish over 65 license holders). Failure to renew your license by February 29, 2024, will result in the assessment of an additional Two Hundred Dollar ($200.00) late fee if you opt to renew your marine license during the sixty (60) day grace period for late renewals, which runs March 1, 2024, through April 29, 2024. Deadline dates and renewal grace periods do not extend the validity of expired licenses. It is unlawful to fish in 2024 without a valid 2024 license.
A temporary license identification number will be issued at the completion of your online renewal process. The temporary identification will allow you to engage in the marine fisheries for your license type and endorsement. You must carry your temporary identification with you at all times while engaged in the Rhode Island marine fisheries. Please allow two weeks for the processing and mailing of your marine license. If you do not receive your license within the two-week time period, please contact the DEM, Office of Boat Registration & Licensing, at (401) 222-6647.
Please note eligible Student Shellfish License (STUDSF) license holders have until June 30, 2024, to renew the license. There will be no grace period or late fee renewals for Student Shellfish License holders.
Licensed fishers are obligated to comply with possession limits for finfish as provided in the Marine Fisheries listserve, dedicated phone line at 401-423-1920, or Minimum Sizes & Possession Limits webpage. Licensed shellfishers are obligated to comply with conditional closure areas as provided on DEM's dedicated phone line at 401-222-2900.
Additionally, all applicants who harvest shellfish must complete a 30-minute online tutorial prior to license issuance/renewal.
If you have questions regarding your marine license, please contact the RI DEM Office of Boat Registration and Licensing between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm Monday through Friday at (401) 222-6647.
RI Commercial Licensing Re-Structure
New License/Endorsement Types:
Commercial Fishing License (CFL) and Principle Effort License (PEL) have been restructured into this new category with either Limited or Unlimited fishery sector endorsements
Learn more: Commercial Marine Fishing Licenses, Landing Permits, and Party and Charter Licenses (250-RICR-90-00-2)
The multipurpose fishing license is available to Rhode Island residents. This license allows participation in all fishery sectors at full harvest and allowable gear levels. Fishing endorsements may be obtained and attached to the license in order to use specific gear types. The following endorsements are offered for the multipurpose fishing license:
Gear Endorsements:
- Gill Net (MGILL): The gill net endorsement allows the license holder to set one or more gill nets in accordance with all other applicable regulations. This endorsement is available via renewal only.
- Fish Trap (MFTRP): The fish trap endorsement allows the license holder to set one or more fish traps in state waters in accordance with all other applicable regulations. Traps may only be set in specific locations leased from the state by the license holder. This endorsement is available via renewal only.
- Purse Seine (MPURSE): The purse seine endorsement allows the license holder to use a purse seine to harvest fish in accordance with all other applicable regulations.
- Mid Water/Pair Trawl (PMWPT): The mid water/pair trawl endorsement allows the license holder to use a mid water pair trawl to harvest fish in accordance with all other applicable regulations. Both pair trawl vessel captain must have the endorsement.
Other Endorsements:
- Dockside Sales (MDOCK): The dockside sales endorsement allows the license holder to sell live lobsters and crabs directly to consumers at the dock. Finfish and shellfish species are prohibited to be sold to anyone other than licensed dealers. Lobsters and crabs offered for sale must have been harvested by the license holder from the vessel from which they were harvested. Additional data reporting requirements apply to this endorsement.
- Logbook endorsement (MLOGB): The logbook endorsement allows the license holder to submit harvester catch and effort reports via paper logbooks supplied by RIDFW. If a license holder does not have this endorsement he/she must report catch and effort data electronically via the Standard Atlantic Fisheries Information System (SAFIS).
The student shellfish license is available to Rhode Island residents 23 years old or younger. This license allows participation in the quahaug fishery sector at basic harvest and gear levels. Student shellfish license holders may upgrade to a commercial fishing license with a quahaug endorsement if they were actively fishing during the prior year.
The over 65 shellfish license is available to Rhode Island residents 65 years old or older. This license allows participation in the quahaug fishery sector at basic harvest and gear levels. Over 65 shellfish license holders may upgrade to a commercial fishing license with a quahaug endorsement if they were actively fishing during the prior year.
The non resident landing license is available to non residents only. This license allows the holder to transit state waters and land all marine species with the exception restricted finfish at Rhode Island ports. The restricted species list consists of summer flounder, striped bass, tautog, black sea bass, and scup. Scup is only a restricted species between May 1 and Oct 31. This license does not allow fishing in state waters.
The resident landing license is available to residents only. This license allows the holder to transit state waters and land all marine species including restricted finfish at Rhode Island ports. The restricted species list consists of summer flounder, striped bass, tautog, black sea bass, and scup. Scup is only a restricted species between May 1 and Oct 31. This license does not allow fishing in state waters.
The non resident restricted finfish landing license is available to non-residents only. This license allows the holder to transit state waters and land all marine species including restricted finfish at Rhode Island ports. The restricted species list consists of summer flounder, striped bass, tautog, black sea bass, and scup. Scup is only a restricted species between May 1 and Oct 31. This license does not allow fishing in state waters. This license is available via renewal only, applicants must show evidence of 1,000 pounds of restricted species landings in four of the five prior years.
Every vessel employed in the commercial fishery must be declared with RIDEM prior to the vessel being used for commercial fishing. Declared vessels must display decals on their hull or wheelhouse.
Key Resources
- Renew Commercial Saltwater Fishing License Online If you are experiencing log-in or other issues trying to renew your commercial license, please call 844-479-6452 for special assistance. Trained agents are available M-F from 9 AM-6 PM. Note, this support is exclusively for commercial marine license holders. Those needing help with an online recreational license should request Technical Assistance for Online Purchases.
- Commercial Marine Fishing License Forms
- Commercial Marine Fishing License Fees
- Commercial Marine Fishing Sizes and Limits
- Sign Up For Electronic Harvester Reporting
- Fish & Wildlife Home Page
- SAFIS log-in for commercial dealers and fishermen
- NEW - SAFIS Online Trip Reporting Training Videos
- Frequently Asked Questions about RI Online Trip Reporting
- SAFIS Online Trip Reporting Help
- SAFIS Statistical Areas Maps