Official State of Rhode Island website

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Construction Site Soil Erosion Control Violations

Construction sites are required to install and maintain control measures that prevent soil erosion. Soil erosion happens when water, wind, or gravity move soil from one location to another. The control measures ensure public safety, help keep local waters clean, and prevent flooding, soil loss, and other long-term consequences of erosion.

Look familiar? Contact your Stormwater Manager if you see a violation illustrated in the “Please Report” column. Use the “All Good!” column to learn about the Best Management Practices that contain and control soil erosion.

For immediate assistance, contact the RI DEM Office of Compliance and Inspection at (401) 537-4533 or

please report icon

Please Report.

Muddy water is an illicit discharge and a violation of the SESC plan.

muddy storm drain

Please Report.

Compost filter socks are highly effective. However sediment must be cleared away regularly or it will pile up and eventually be carried over the compost filter sock.

filter sock bad

Please Report.

Concrete outwash, which is highly toxic to aquatic life, has been carried by runoff to the storm drain at left.

concrete road

Please Report.

Sediment tracked into roadways from construction site entrances presents a public safety hazard.


Sediment tracked into roadways

Please Report.

A small construction site with no visible erosion control measures. Heavy equipment moving on and off the property as well as rain will carry soil off the property. Photo credit:

construction site with no visible erosion control measures

Please Report.

This tree has no protection from excavation and stockpiles. This will result in damage to the roots which may cause it to die.

Bad tree

Please Report.

Uncovered dumpsters may allow pollutants to drain out with rain water. Photo credit: RI NEMO.

Uncovered dumpsters

Please Report.

Disturbed sediment on a slope has been eroding away under wet weather conditions.

Ground erosion

Please Report.

With no measures to intercept it, exposed soil from the yard and the uncovered dirt stockpile is being washed directly onto the road, where it will be carried to a nearby catch basin. Photo credit: RI NEMO.

exposed and uncovered soils on this construction site
all good icon

All Good!

Filter fabrics on storm drains are a last line of defense against erosion entering waterways. Photo credit: US EPA.

Filter fabrics on storm drains

All Good!

Filter sock appropriately placed between construction and a wetland. Area is free of accumulated sediment.

good sock

All Good!

Designated concrete wash out areas allow for management of polluted water from washing out ready-mix trucks, drums, and pumps.

wash out truck

All Good!

A well-maintained pad of crushed stone has been placed where construction vehicles pull into and out of site. Photo credit:

A well-maintained pad of crushed stone

All Good!

Straw mulching stops erosion at the source and is cost effective. Photo credit: Barry Tonning at Tetra Tech.

straw and mulch on front lawn

All Good!

Tree is protected out to drip line (outermost circumference of a tree canopy) by robust fence.

Protected tree

All Good!

Dumpster properly covered with ends weighted down.

dumpster covered

All Good!

Sediment control blankets can be installed on slopes to prevent erosion.

Sediment control blankets

All Good!

If a project is going to be halted during the growing season, dirt stockpiles are sometimes seeded to keep the sediment in place. Photo credit: US EPA.

dirt stockpiles are seeded

All Good!

In the short term, sediment stockpiles can be covered by plastic or surrounded by compost filter socks. Photo credit: US EPA.

sediment stockpiles