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Scituate Tree Filters

LID Type: Tree Filter

Use: Municipal

Installer: StormTree

Designer/Developer: StormTree

Install Date: 2015

Address: Parking Lot off Institute Lane

Town: North Scituate

Zip Code: 02857

County: Providence


Betsy Dake, Senior Environmental Scientist

RI Department of Environmental Management

Project Narrative:

As part of a Clean Water Act Section 319 grant, the Northern Rhode Island Conservation District (NRICD) worked with its partners, the Town of Scituate and Providence Water, as well as RIDEM, to install a number of residential green infrastructure demonstration projects throughout a small subwatershed around Silk Lane in the Village of North Scituate. As part of this project, NRICD and the Town facilitated the installation of three tree filters in the parking lots off Institute Lane, across from the Scituate Community House on West Greenville Road. These tree filters capture road runoff from stormwater that collects on the municipal parking lots as well as what runs down Institute Lane from the Scituate Elementary School and was formerly flowing untreated through a pipe into Regulating Reservoir. Now, the stormwater is infiltrated through special infiltration media in the tree filters and any excess is infiltrated into the ground in two of them. In the third tree filter, excess flow is daylighted, allowing UV rays from sunlight to treat any bacteria in the water, and the treated flow then drains to Regulating Reservoir.

small tree in a grate over a drain

Address: Institute Lane, North Scituate, RI 02857