Rhode Island Blood Center
LID Type: Bioretention
Use: Institutional
Installer: E.W. Burman
Designer/Developer: DiPrete Engineering with Vision 3 Architects
Install Date: October 2013
Address: 405 Promenade Street
Town: Providence
Zip Code: 02879
County: Providence
Brian Giroux, PE
Senior Project Engineer, DiPrete Engineering
Project Summary:
Following redevelopment, the Rhode Island Blood Center uses four bioretention areas, one bioretention swale, multiple tree box bioretention filters, and two underground sand filters to treat stormwater.
Project Narrative:
The redevelopment of the Rhode Island Blood center included a new 22,600 square foot addition, other improvements, and site design. Before, the site was mostly impervious and had no water quality treatment in place. Now, all of the new impervious and most of the existing impervious is being treated using the 2010 RI Stormwater Design Manual. The stormwater is filtered through plants and bioretention media. Sand filters are also used underground.

Address: 405 Promenade Street, Providence, RI 02879