Wetland BMP Manual: Techniques for Avoidance and Minimization

The Wetland BMP Manual: Techniques for Avoidance and Minimization (2010), available below, is a final product of a multi-year effort to improve the Department of Environmental Management's Groundwater and Freshwater Wetland Protection Program, prompted by recommendations of the Wetlands Task Force and by Program staff. The Wetland BMP Manual is a compilation of Best Management Practices (BMPs), including text, tips, and examples that were researched and compiled from staff input and from the DEM wetland files. The target audience is applicants and professional consultants who prepare applications for submittal to the Rhode Island Wetlands Program, as well as builders and contractors.
The Wetland BMP Manual is intended to be used in conjunction with other available materials. It provides examples of acceptable and permitted wetland-friendly designs and practices that could be used by applicants when designing projects. The Wetland BMP Manual is another tool to help applicants and consultants to prepare more complete applications, in order to adequately avoid and minimize impacts to wetlands and to facilitate applicants receiving speedier decisions from the Department. The Manual includes project-specific examples and details that are applicable to many project types that have been successfully permitted in Rhode Island or in nearby states.
A review of the Table of Contents reveals that, after the introductory pages, the Manual is largely organized around project types that are the subject of wetlands applications commonly submitted to the Wetlands Program.
To view or download the Wetland BMP Manual by section or chapter please click on the following links:
Cover, Table of Contents, Dedication and List of Examples
- The Importance of Protecting Wetlands
- Single-Family Lots
- Subdivisions
- Commercial and Industrial Projects
- Golf Courses
- Bike Paths, Foot Paths, Trails and Boardwalks
- Roads and Bridges
- Utilities
- Wetland Crossings
- Plantings
- Construction and Maintenance Tips
- References & Resources
To download the Wetland BMP Manual as a single document, click here.
The Department would like to receive your feedback about the usefulness of this Manual. Do you find it helpful? What additional information would you like to see? Please send your comments to Wetland BMP Manual @ DEM Office of Water Resources, 235 Promenade Street, Providence, RI 02908 or via email to DEM.WaterResources@dem.ri.gov.