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Yearly Regulation Amendments

Rhode Island Marine Fisheries Regulations
Minimum Sizes and Possession Limits

If you have questions, contact Pete Duhamel at 401-423-1927 or


  1. Beginning 12:00AM on Sunday, March 16, 2025, the commercial possession limit for Black Sea Bass will be one thousand  (1,000) pounds per week, until further notice or until the next sub-period begins on May 1, 2025 at one hundred (100) pounds per day.


  1. Black sea bass:  Beginning 12:00AM on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, the commercial possession will be five hundred (500) pounds per week, until further notice.
  2. Scup - general category:  Beginning 12:00AM on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, the commercial possession limit will be fifty thousand (50,000) pounds per day, until further notice.
  3. Scup - floating fish traps:  Beginning 12:00AM on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, the commercial possession limit will be fifty thousand (50,000) pounds per day, until further notice.
  4. Striped bass - general category:  Beginning 12:00AM on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, the commercial fishery remains closed until further notice (public hearing planned for February 2025).
  5. Striped bass - floating fish traps:  Beginning 12:00AM on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, the commercial fishery remains closed, until reopening April 1, 2025 @ unlimited possession limit (public hearing planned for February 2025).
  6. Summer flounder - vessels without a Summer Flounder Exemption Certificate:  Beginning 12:00AM on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, the commercial possession limit will be one hundred (100) pounds per day, until further notice.
  7. Summer flounder - vessels with a Summer Flounder Exemption Certificate:  Beginning 12:00AM on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, the commercial possession limit will be one hundred (100) pounds per day, until further notice.
  8. Winter I Aggregate Program for Summer Flounder:  Beginning 12:00AM on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, the Winter I Aggregate program remains closed.  Beginning 12:00AM on Sunday, January 5, 2025, the possession limit will be four thousand (4,000) pounds per bi-week (permitted vessels only) until further notice.
  9. Summer/Fall Aggregate Program for Summer Flounder and Black Sea Bass:  Beginning 12:00AM on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, the program remains closed, until further noticed.
  10. Bluefish:  Beginning 12:00AM on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, the commercial possession limit will be one thousand (1,000) pounds per bi-week, until further notice (public hearing planned for February 2025).
  11. Menhaden - Menhaden Management Area:  Beginning 12:00AM on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, the fishery remains closed until further notice (public hearing planned for February 2025).
  12. Menhaden - State Waters outside the Menhaden Management Area:  Beginning 12:00AM on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, the commercial possession limit remains @ 120,000 pounds per vessel per day until further notice (public hearing planned for February 2025).
  13. Tautog:  Beginning 12:00AM on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, the fishery remains closed, until reopening 12:00AM on April 1, 2025, @ 10 fish per day.


Please be advised that amendments to the following RI Marine Fisheries regulations have been filed, resulting from the public hearing held on November 6th and RI Marine Fisheries Council meeting held on December 2nd:

  1. Part 4 – Shellfish (effective 1/19/2025)
    • Amendments to the Providence River Shellfish Management Area (Area “E”) harvest schedule for the period January-April 2025.
  2. Part 5 – Lobster, Crabs, and Other Crustaceans (effective 01/19/2025)
    • Amendments to blue crab management to remove the nighttime harvest prohibition and amend the possession limit to 25 crabs/person/day for all harvest methods.
  3. Part 23 – Aggregate Program for Summer Flounder and Black Sea Bass(effective 01/19/2025)
    • Clarify the time period when the aggregate is authorized and clarify the closure trigger for black sea bass and summer flounder.
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