Rhode Island Game Fish Award Program
DEM Division of Fish & Wildlife's Game Fish Award program annually recognizes anglers who have caught freshwater and saltwater game fish of notable size. For a catch to be eligible, an angler must catch a qualifying fish by rod and reel, tie-up, or handline by legal means in Rhode Island waters. Additionally, the Rhode Island waters must be open to the public without charge, fee, special permission or membership. Fish caught in private ponds with restricted access to use by club members or their guests, including those temporarily opened to the public for a fishing derby, are not considered open to the public, even if no fee is charged, and will not qualify for either award. To accommodate both 'catch and release' and harvest fishing, the angler can take a photo of the fish using a hand-scale and/or ruler or bring the catch to an official weigh station. The angler must then complete and sign the Game Fish Award Application and submit it via mail to the address on the form or email kimberly.sullivan@dem.ri.gov. Game Fish Awards are mailed out in the spring of the following year. Anglers are eligible for one award per person per year. Awards are issued for each species of game fish caught that meets the minimum size requirements listed below. Both Gamefish Awards and State records measure the fish according to total length (TL) – from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail.