Land Navigation 2 DAY

compass and program title.




10 and 11 – Land Navigation

9am – 3pm, must attend both days

1B Camp E Hun Tee Place, Exeter, RI  (Fish & Wildlife Education Center)

Free of charge

Ages 10+

  • Offered as a two-day intensive course, land navigation starts the students out in a classroom setting where the basic skills will be covered. These skills include, but are not limited to, topographic maps, compasses, bearings, declination, and point-to-point navigation. Outside, students are instructed on how to find their pace count. Once the exercise is completed students take part in either a bearing exercise or an azimuth walk. On the second day of class students will be separated into teams and lead by an instructor while solving field problems.
  • Extensive, off-trail hiking on rough terrain will take place on day 1 and day 2. Students should dress for the forecasted weather, bring a backpack, sunscreen, bug spray, lunches/snacks, lots of water, and solid daylight florescent orange vests or hats if available. Limited supply of safety orange vests will be available to borrow. Class will be cancelled if extreme weather is predicted, otherwise expect class to take place if light to normal rain is forecast.

Event Type: All DEM Events Featured Event Fish & Wildlife Hunter Education

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