Invasive Winter Moth and SLF Open Forum and Information Session


Location: Town Council Chambers, Glocester Town Hall, 1145 Putnam Pike, Glocester, RI 02814


DEM invites you to an informational meeting and open forum on the invasive winter moth and spotted lanternfly (SLF)

The Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) and Winter Moth are two invasive species that remain the focus of DEM's Division of Agriculture and Forest EnvironmentCooperative Agricultural Pest Survey  (CAPS) and Forest Health Program efforts to monitor and limit the spread of pests which represent a tangible threat to Rhode Island’s agriculture and forests.  

 Learn more about what DEM is doing to address these two priority plant pests. Speakers DEM Forest Health Program Coordinator Alana Russell and DEM Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey Program Coordinator Cynthia Kwolek will present these two invasive plant pests' status, concerns, and management responses. 

Registration is required for this in-person event. Space is limited. 

Event Type: Agriculture Education Opportunities Featured Initiative