Intro to Freshwater Fly Fishing (Register by 6/18)

fly fishing photo


Location: Addieville East Farm, Mapleville RI

Introduction to Freshwater Fly Fishing

June 22, 2024 – 9:00am-3:00pm, Addieville East Farm

Fee: $30/person


Have you ever wanted to fly fish but did not know where to start? DFW’s Aquatic Resource Education program in association with volunteer fishing groups across the state offers a one-day introductory level course. Participants will learn what equipment they need, how to tie flies, what knots are needed, how to cast and then have an opportunity to apply those skills in a trout stocked pond. Skilled volunteers will be on hand to help every step of the way. All equipment and materials are provided. Lunch is also provided. Families with children with children 10 and older are welcome. Space is limited, registration is required. For more information and registration materials, please contact Kimberly Sullivan, or 401-330-0634.

Event Type: Featured Event Education Opportunities Fish & Wildlife ARE Program