2023 Hunger Elimination Task Force Meeting
Since 2021, RIFPC has served as facilitator of the RI Hunger Elimination Task Force (HETF), in partnership with the RI Department of the Health and the RI Department of Commerce. The HETF is a statewide network of food access, nutrition, and public health champions that work to reduce hunger and increase access to healthy, culturally-appropriate food for all RI residents. With more than 150 meeting participants annually, HETF members represent Community Based Organizations, Health Equity Zones, non-profits, emergency food providers, food justice and sovereignty advocates, state agency staff, healthcare professionals, students, and many others.
HETF was initiated by Governor Gina Raimondo in 2017, first convening as a working group to develop recommendations and action steps to reduce the state’s food insecurity levels to below 10%, a Relish Rhody target. The group developed and presented a strong list of recommendations to the Interagency Food and Nutrition Policy Advisory Council (IFNPAC) in 2018, then communicated to a wider audience of stakeholders in 2018/2019.