Directions to DEM's Marine Fisheries and Fish & Wildlife Offices
Fort Wetherill in Jamestown
3 Ft. Wetherill Road
Jamestown, RI 02835
Phone: 401-423-1920
Fax: 401-423-1925
From the North
- Follow Interstate 95 South to Exit 9, Route 4 South
- Follow Route 4 South to Route 1 South
- Take the Newport Bridges Exit, follow Route 138 across the Jamestown Bridge, then follow directions "From the West" (below)
From the West
- Coming off the Jamestown Bridge follow Route 138 to the Jamestown exit (last exit before the toll booths for Newport's Pell Bridge).
- Follow this road (Conanicus Ave.) through town, past the waterfront, bear left at the Ft. Wetherill State Park sign and follow road to end.
- There will be a sign and the entrance to the parking lot is on the right, the office is the largest building.
From the East
- Immediately after you pass through toll booth, take the first exit "Jamestown Village", follow road around to stop sign then take a left.
- Follow the road (Conanicus Ave.) through town, past the waterfront, bear left at the Ft. Wetherill State Park sign and follow road to end.
- There will be a sign and the entrance to the parking lot is on the right, the office is the largest building.

277 Great Neck Road
West Kingston, RI 02891
Phone: 401-789-7481
Fax: 401-783-7490
From the North
- Follow Interstate 95 South to Exit 9, Route 4 South
- Follow Route 4 South to Route 1 South
- Stay on Route 1 South for approximately three miles
- At the major intersection (Tower Hill), take right onto 138 West for approximately five miles (pass URI on right)
- Great Swamp Field Headquarters sign comes up on the left, follow road all the way until you must take a left onto dirt road; follow until you enter the area of the Headquarters building and see signs for range.
From the South
- Follow Interstate 95 North to Exit 3, Route 138 East
- Follow Route 138 East approximately 10 miles
- Great Swamp Management Area sign on right; follow road all the way until you must take a left onto dirt road; follow until you enter the area of the Headquarters building and see signs for range.

1B Camp E-Hun-Tee Place
Exeter, RI 02822
From I-95
- Exit 5A, take a right onto Route 3
- Right onto Route 165 west for 2.8 miles
- Right onto Frosty Hollow Road (dirt road, white building on corner).
- Follow 1.4 miles to end then go left. (follow signs)
- Continue for 2 tenths of a mile, stay to the right.
- Follow road until you see the “Office” building.