Official State of Rhode Island website

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Blue Card Exam Reservation

Fill out this form to request an in-person exam date/time at DEM's Permit Application Center (PAC) in Providence. 

The Blue Card test is also administered at RIDEM-approved firearms dealers and sporting clubs throughout the state. The Blue Card testing locations cannot issue the blue cards and must submit them to RIDEM for grading and issuance of the results. Learn more at 

NOTE: Exam dates are added regularly. Please check back for additional dates for 2025.

  • Current Applicant Information
  • Exam Reservation Details
  • Complete
Contact Information
This information is collected to be used on the card issuance.
Please check any applicable

STOP: Active military personnel are not required to have a blue card to purchase a firearms.

Persons exempt from the Blue Card Certification requirement are active military, active military reserve, or persons on active duty paid status in the RI National Guard as long as they remain in active status.

However, if you still wish to acquire a blue card, you may obtain one by presenting your active military identification card and name change certificate (if applicable) to DEM's Permit Application Center in Providence (directions) weekdays from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

STOP: A Rhode Island Hunter Education Course Card (“orange card”) issued by the RIDEM Division of Fish & Wildlife Hunter Education Program can be used in lieu of a blue card to purchase ammunition and/or a handgun (RIGL §11-47-35).

The Hunter Education Course Card is proof of successful completion of a R.I. Hunter Safety Course required of hunters.

However, if you still wish to acquire a blue card, you may obtain one by presenting your valid ID, RI Hunter Education Card, and name change certificate (if applicable) to DEM's Permit Application Center in Providence (directions) weekdays from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Note: A Hunter Education Course Card issued by another state will not qualify for a Blue Card. However, it may be used to receive a RI Hunting License. Contact the RIDEM Division of Fish & Wildlife's Outdoor Education Office for more details on Hunter Education Cards at 401-539-0019 (weekdays 8:30 AM-4:00 PM) or

STOP: Law enforcement professionals, such as sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, state police, prison wardens or their deputies, city or town police, environmental police officers, airport police and officers of the United States government authorized by law to carry a concealed firearm shall be issued a Blue Card Certification without taking the test.

At the Department's discretion, persons who can satisfactorily establish that he or she formerly held one of these offices or were so authorized shall also be issued a Blue Card Certification without taking the test. Proof of current or prior employment must be accompanied by a photo ID to obtain a Blue Card at DEM's Permit Application Center in Providence (directions) weekdays from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

STOP: You do not need to retake the exam if you already hold a blue card.

If you have legally changed your name and wish to update your blue card, please bring documentation of the name change, photo ID, and current Blue Card to DEM's Permit Application Center in Providence (directions) weekdays from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.