Critter Kits: Scales and Slime
- Fish & Wildlife
- Wildlife & Hunter Education
- Wildlife Outreach Program
- Critter Kits
- Scales and Slime
Critter Kits: Scales and Slime
Rhode Island is home to nearly 40 species of reptiles and amphibians, also known as herps! With the materials in this kit, you can introduce your students to these scaly, slimy, and secretive creatures, the conservation work being done to protect them, and how everyone can be a "Herp Hero."
What’s included in this kit?
- Information about Rhode Island’s herps
- Information on current herp conservation work in Rhode Island
- Resources on how to help herps
- Sample lesson plans
- PowerPoints
- Photos and videos
- Show and tell items
- Fun herp-related activities
Scales and Slime Educator Packet
Educator Resources
Scales and Slime Educator Packet
Download Photos (Zip File)
Additional Resources
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson 1: Rhody Reptiles
Lesson 1 Presentation
Lesson Plan 2
Lesson 2: Ask Me About Amphibians
Lesson 2 Presentation
Lesson Plan 3
Lesson 3: Helping Herps
Lesson 3 Presentation
Next Generation Science Standards
The material covered in the Rhody Critter Kits aligns with the following standards:
LS1A | Structure and Function |
LS2A | Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems |
LS2C | Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience |
LS4C | Adaptation |
LS4D | Biodiversity and Humans |
ESS3A | Natural Resources |
ES3C | Human Impacts on Earth Systems |
Critter Kit Lending Policy:
Critter Kits are available to borrow for 2 weeks at a time. To reserve a kit, click the button below to view available dates and then fill out our reservation form to request a kit. Once your reservation has been confirmed, your selected kit can be picked up any time during your reservation period from the RIDEM Division of Fish and Wildlife headquarters at the Great Swamp Management: 277 Great Neck Road, West Kingston, RI 02892.
Wildlife Outreach staff will pick up the kit at your school or organization on the Friday morning of the second week. Please have the kit ready for pick up with a signed copy of the kit checklist confirming all items have been returned (checklist included with the kit). If in a school facility, we can pick up the kit in the school’s main office so that our staff does not interrupt your teaching schedule when picking up the kit.
Send us your feedback!
Are you using this kit online only or have you borrowed a kit to use in your classroom? We want your feedback! We're always working to make our kits better. Please provide your thoughts using our online form.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our staff are happy to help provide any support you need! Email