RI Marine Fisheries Council


Please be advised that the next meeting of the RI Marine Fisheries Council is Monday, October 7, 2024, 5:30pm.  

In person:  URI Bay Campus, Corless Auditorium, 215 South Ferry Road, Narragansett, RI.

Zoom webinar:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89651864482?pwd=JpoxubM7urVPvPIJlWaPTl7Q88vlTb.1 [us02web.zoom.us] ; meeting ID: 896 5186 4482; passcode: 585083; dial in: 1-929-205-6099 (listen only)

The ePacket (meeting materials) is available on the Division’s calendar page (go to October 7).

Agenda item (items italicized include links to the meeting material) Recommended action(s)
1. Tonight’s agenda Approval of agenda
2. Meeting minutes – September 9, 2024 Approval of meeting minutes
3. Public comment on any matters not on the agenda Discussion and/or recommendations for future action.
4. Shellfish Advisory Panel (SAP) meeting minutes (9/18/2024):
Draft meeting minutes
Approval of minutes
5. Shellfish harvest schedule for Greenwich Bay, Bristol Harbor, and Bissel Cove/Fox Is., Shellfish Management Areas (aka “winter” harvest areas):
• SAP presentation
• SAP recommendation (draft meeting minutes)
Provide recommendations to the Director as needed for regulatory changes (opportunity for public comment will be provided)
6. SAP membership
• Membership list
• FYI recent reassignments (C. Sperry; R. Pastore)
• Remove member (Cameron Ennis)

Event Type: Public Meetings