Rhody Feeding Rhody Alliance Date: February 12, 2024 — 12:00pm to 1:00pm Virtual Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEucOqrqj4oHNJv4fOwwcXCQ4Xi0gv304De#/registration Join RI Food Policy Council for the next Rhody Feeding Rhody Alliance meeting! The Rhody Feeding Rhody Alliance creates sustainable connections for local farmers and fishers with food pantries, food rescue organizations, and food distributors, and other partners so that Rhode Islanders in need of fresh, local, culturally-appropriate food have better and more consistent access to it. We are working to ensure that our local emergency feeding system serves as a reliable wholesale market for local producers and harvesters, while also becoming more resilient to supply chain shocks from public health emergencies and climate-related disasters. Join us for our first meeting of 2024!