Official State of Rhode Island website

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Current Threats to Forest Health


Winter Moth

Status: Exotic

Mostly Affects: Maples

Additional Resources:

lymantria dispar (LDD) (formerly gypsy moth)
hemlock woolly adelgid

Status: Exotic

Mostly Affects: Hemlock

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southern pine beetle

Status: Native

Mostly Affects: Hard pines (Pitch pine), Others

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oak gall wasps

Status: Native

Mostly Affects: All Oak

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spotted lantern fly

Spotted Lanternfly

Status: Exotic

Mostly Affects: Ailanthus, fruit trees, grape vines

Additional Resources:


beech leaf disease
A tree with Beech Bark Disease appears to have white marks marring its brown bark

Mostly Affects: American Beech

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Rhyzosphaera needle cast

Mostly Affects: Colorado Blue, other Spruces & Firs

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White pine needle damage

Mostly Affects: Eastern White Pine

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A white pine tree with orange colored pine needles from Eastern White Pine Disease