Wildlife & Hunting
The wildlife staff offices, laboratory and development staff are located at the Great Swamp Field Headquarters within the Great Swamp Management Area in West Kingston. The hunter and aquatic resource education staff offices are located at the E. Huntee Fish and Wildlife Education Center within the Arcadia Management Area in Exeter.
DEM Interactive Map: Hunting/Management Area Atlas
Hunting Atlas
Pheasant Hunting Resources & Stocking Maps
- Pheasant Stocking Program and Stocking Updates
- Wild Game Recipes
- Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Information for Hunters
Hunting Rules and Regulations Guidance
- Rhode Island Hunting & Trapping Regulations Abstract
- National Shooting Sports Foundation
- Federated Rhode Island Sportmens' Clubs
- RI Revolver & Rifle Association
- Rhode Island General Laws Title 20 - Fish & Wildlife
- Rhode Island General Laws Title 11 - Weapons
- Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management
USFW Partnership
Partnering with the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and the Archery Trade Association (ATA), the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) created a short (2 minute) cinematic video which showcases how the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration partnerships among industry and state and federal agencies have aided this nation’s wildlife restoration and conservation achievements. The film creates an awareness of the partnerships, manufacturers'excise taxes on firearms, ammunition and archery equipment, and the conservation benefits achieved with this funding source through Wildlife Restoration Grants (Pittman-Robertson). This film is a product of the Partner with a PayerSM initiative.