FIRE BAN IN EFFECT In response to the continued elevated risk of wildfires, DEM has issued a fire ban at all State Parks, campgrounds, and management areas until further notice. The ban is effective as of today (10/28/24) and includes campfires in designated campfire areas, including charcoal fires and cooking fires. This preventative measure applies to all DEM-managed lands and aims to reduce the threat of human-caused wildfires. DEM will continue to monitor and evaluate conditions to determine when the ban can be lifted. Together we can protect our communities and keep first responders safe by reducing the risk of wildfires: 📞 Call 911 if you spot a fire/smoke. Timely information is critical to contain fires before they spread. 🔥 Remember, any outdoor fire is a potential source for a wildfire. Be careful with cigarettes and ashes. When disposing of wood stove ashes, put the ashes in a metal bucket of water. 🚒 Check with your local fire department for any other restrictions and permitting information. 🚨 Stay informed and find resources at
Surface Water Monitoring In Rhode Island, the DEM Office of Water Resources implements several surface water monitoring programs and collaborates on monitoring activities with a variety of partners. The Rhode Island Water Monitoring Strategy provides a framework for coordination of these efforts. Water quality monitoring documents surface water conditions and is essential for observing changes and determining trends over time. Among its many uses, monitoring information is used to characterize ambient water quality conditions, identify water pollution problems and their causes, and identify threats to human health. A variety of monitoring activities are conducted, at different geographic and temporal scales, in order to meet specific information needs. Lake Monitoring River & Stream Monitoring Narragansett Bay Monitoring Shellfish Monitoring RI Water Monitoring Strategy Rhode Island’s Water Monitoring Strategy describes water monitoring programs being implemented in surface waters including rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and coastal estuarine waters. The document also recommends actions to eliminate critical data gaps. The Water Monitoring Strategy, developed by RIDEM, was also reviewed and approved by the Rhode Island Environmental Monitoring Collaborative, a governmental entity established by state law in 2004. RIDEM is currently in the process of updating the existing strategy. Documents Rhode Island Water Monitoring Strategy Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Reporting