Data & Maps
Map Questions? Email Supervising GIS Specialist Paul Jordan or call 401-537-4497
For inquiries on Septic Systems or Freshwater Wetlands please follow the links below:
- OWTS/Septic Program: Search Onsite Wastewater / Septic System Permit Records or email
- Freshwater Wetlands Permitting Program: Search Wetland Permit Records or email
Paper Maps
- Shellfish Grounds, Closures and Approved Areas
- Shellfish Tagging: Narragansett Bay
- Lake and Pond Bathymetry Maps for Fishermen
- Marine Sanitation Device: No Discharge
- Marine Sanitation Device: Pumpout Facilities
- RIPDES Phase II Stormwater Requirement Areas
- RI Environmental Sensitivity Index Maps
- RI Watersheds with HUC12 Sub-Watersheds