Official State of Rhode Island website

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Providence Office Staff

Bureau of Natural Resources


Forest Environment

Boat Registration and Licensing Office Staff

Coastal Resources

Fish & Wildlife

Law - Administrative and Supervisory

Law - Dispatchers and Administrative Support

Law - Field Officers

Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office

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    Angell, Thomas

    Principal Marine Biologist: whelk biology, food habits and life history Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office, Complete Staff
    Phone: 401-423-1931
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    Ares, Nichole

    Principal Marine Biologist: tautog, web development, fishery statistics, cobia Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office, Complete Staff
    Phone: 401-423-1926
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    Balouskus, Richard

    Principal Marine Biologist: winter flounder, NEFMC groundfish, fish pot survey, fyke net survey Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office, Complete Staff
    Phone: 401-423-1924
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    Barrett, Patrick

    Principal Marine Biologist: fish habitat enhancement, artificial reef program, oysters, telemetry program, quahog dredge survey Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office, Complete Staff
    Phone: 401-423-1947
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    Brown, Patrick

    Research Vessel Captain: vessel operations, building maintenance, fish trawl survey, telemetry program Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office, Complete Staff
    Phone: 401-423-1945
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    Duhamel, Peter

    Programming Services Officer: Rhode Island Marine Fisheries Council, tagging programs, fisheries regulation processing Complete Staff, Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office
    Phone: 401-423-1927
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    Fitzgerald, Sean

    Research Vessel Associate Captain: vessel operations, building maintenance, fish trawl survey, acoustic receiver array, fleet point Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office, Complete Staff
    Phone: 401-423-1936
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    Fournier, Thaïs

    Fisheries Specialist: Eelgrass and habitat restoration Complete Staff, Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office
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    Gerber-Williams, Anna

    Principal Marine Biologist: Narragansett bay seine survey, quahogs, bay scallops, Shellfish Advisory Panel, quahog transplants, aquaculture Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office, Complete Staff
    Phone: 401-423-1930
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    Joyce, Shelby

    Fisheries Specialist: cable ventless trap survey, American lobster, Jonah crab Complete Staff, Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office
    Phone: 401-423-1943
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    Lake, John

    Supervising Marine Biologist: Rhode Island Marine Fisheries Council, gillnet tagging program, MRIP program, Industry Advisory Committee Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office, Complete Staff
    Phone: 401-423-1942
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    Lengyel Costa, Nicole

    Principal Marine Biologist: striped bass, menhaden, NEFMC small mesh fishery, age and growth, bluefish Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office, Complete Staff
    Phone: 401-423-1940
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    Livermore, Julia

    Deputy Chief: offshore wind energy, administration, GIS, permitting, aquaculture, coastal sharks Complete Staff, Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office
    Phone: 401-423-1937
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    Olszewski, Scott

    Acting Chief: NEFMC member, large whale take reduction team, marine mammal strandings, survey and operations lead Complete Staff, Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office
    Phone: 401-423-1934
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    Parkins, Christopher

    Principal Marine Biologist: fish trawl, floating fish traps, weakfish, telemetry program Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office, Complete Staff
    Phone: 401-423-1929
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    Plee, Tara

    Principal Marine Biologist: protected species research and monitoring, marine mammal strandings, coastal shark monitoring Complete Staff, Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office
    Phone: 401-423-1943
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    Rodrigue, Katherine

    Principal Marine Biologist: blue crabs, coastal pond seine survey, fish kill response, harmful algal bloom response, horseshoe crabs Complete Staff, Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office
    Phone: 401-423-1944
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    Rosa, Thomas

    Administrative Officer: General inquiries, commercial logbooks, SAFIS reporting, scientific collectors permits, striped bass tagging program, whelk tagging program Complete Staff, Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office
    Phone: 401-423-1923
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    Schneider, Eric

    Principal Marine Biologist: oysters, sturgeon, skates, monkfish, EQIP program, permitting, eelgrass, telemetry program Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office, Complete Staff
    Phone: 401-423-1933
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    Truesdale, Corinne

    Supervising Marine Biologist: lobster ventless trap survey, lobster sea sampling, Jonah crab, Atlantic herring, summer flounder, black sea bass, scup Marine Fisheries - Fort Wetherill Office, Complete Staff
    Phone: 401-423-1939

Marine Fisheries - Coastal Fisheries Lab

Planning and Development