Water Resources
Our Mission
Rivers, lakes, and coastal waters will support healthy communities of fish, plants, and other aquatic life, and will support uses such as fishing, swimming, and drinking water quality.
Groundwater will be uncontaminated.
Wetlands will be protected and rehabilitated to provide wildlife habitat, reduce floods, and to improve water quality.
Public health will be protected from the adverse impacts of water pollution.
Public Notices & Upcoming Events
Office of Water Resources
Quick Links
- General Permitting Information
- Septic / Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS)
- Stormwater Permitting
- RI Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (RIPDES)
- Freshwater Wetlands
- Groundwater Discharge (GWD) & Underground Injection Control (UIC)
- Water Quality Certification
- Wastewater Treatment Facilities
- Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF)
- Nonpoint Source Funding
- Wastewater Treatment Facility Resilience
- Marine Pumpouts: Boat Sewage Grants
- Narragansett Bay and Water Restoration Fund (BWRF)
- Flood Prevention
- Community Septic System Loans (CSSLP)
- Sewer Tie in Loan Fund (STILF)
- Additional Financial Assistance Programs