Fish & Wildlife
About Fish & Wildlife
Our mission is to ensure that the Freshwater and Wildlife Resources of the State of Rhode Island will be conserved and managed for equitable and sustainable use.
As part of a larger network of recreational opportunities in Rhode Island, hunting and fishing play an important role in connecting people with nature, supporting quality of life and family traditions, and attracting tourism. Fishers and hunters purchase around 70,000 licenses, permits, stamps, and tags each year and contribute more than $235 million to Rhode Island's economy. Revenue generated from license and permit sales support Rhode Island fish and wildlife conservation programs. A critical source of funding, these monies are leveraged to match federal Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program dollars that support outdoor recreational opportunities for fishing, hunting, and boating in Rhode Island.
Quick Links
- Purchase Fishing and/or Hunting License/Permits
- Freshwater Fisheries / Trout Fishing
- Bowdish Boat Ramp Parking Permits (Seasonal)
- Salvage Permit for Vehicle-Killed Wildlife
- Wildlife & You
- Printed Publications
- Preserving RI's Fish & Wildlife Resources
- Wildlife Management & Hunter Education
- Aquatic Resource Education Program
- Hunter Education Program
- Wildlife Outreach Program
- Volunteer With Us!
- RI Freshwater Fishing Regulation Guide
- RI Hunting & Trapping Regulation Guide
- DFW Agricultural Lease Opportunities
- Handgun Safety Certification (Blue Card)
- Great Swamp Shooting Range